This inn complex, originally opened in the 1880s, contains some buildings that are as old as the late 1770s. It is rumored to be haunted, and the staff can advise curious guests as to where the hot spots are. The inn has been featured on TV’s Ghost Hunters.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 3 Blitzen Way
Jackson, NH 03846
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 44.1500952, -71.1751061
- County:
- Carroll County, New Hampshire
- Nearest Towns:
- Jackson, NH (0.5 mi.)
North Conway, NH (7.1 mi.)
Bartlett, NH (7.3 mi.)
Chatham, NH (8.2 mi.)
Stow, ME (9.4 mi.)
Livermore, NH (11.3 mi.)
Conway, NH (12.1 mi.)
Albany, NH (13.3 mi.)
Fryeburg, ME (13.4 mi.)
Lovell, ME (14.1 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
We just arrived home a few hours ago from our annual trip to the Christmas Farm Inn for our anniversary and snowshoe-hiking. This is our 5th consecutive year in a row. We always reserve the Log Cabin because it’s “pet-friendly” and we so enjoy bringing our two rescue dogs with us. I guess I have to admit I’m a little mediumistic and have had lots of paranormal “events” happen to me during my life. Maybe this is why I always have supernatural events happen to me on most of our stays here. To sum up, the bed has shaken, numerous lights have dimmed, my toes have been touched; I’ve heard a loud sigh or exhalation, a three-way reading lamp-one of the bulbs blew out but when I turned the lamp back on after turning it off, all three bulbs lit.
I have learned that it’s always nice to acknowledge Spirit. So last year, when we arrived, I thanked the spirits for allowing us to utilize their home or space for a brief time. Interestingly enough, we had no activity during that visit. This present trip we arrived on Tuesday 2/24/15 and left today, 2/27/15. When we arrived on Tuesday, I didn’t feel like doing the acknowledgement thing of the ghosts especially since it was “quiet” last year but boy did I realize my error pretty quickly! The first night, my husband is a very sound sleeper and falls asleep quickly, so I’m left to wind myself down in order to fall asleep. Well, I was just about to fall off when I started hearing various noises. I decided to ignore them and concentrated on going to sleep again. Not to be ignored, I guess, the bed started shaking fairly violently from the foot of the bed. Again, I’m like, I don’t want to do this now, I just want sleep!! So I started doing meditational deep breathing and a few minutes later, the bed shook again. Talk about someone wanting to get your attention!! But I was much too tired to say or do anything so I continued with my deep breathing. Sure enough, a few seconds later, I heard a loud sigh or exhalation like someone was mimicking my breathing. As I said my husband is a very sound sleeper so he heard none of it but I’m pretty sure it was for my benefit anyway.
When we arrived back from breakfast the next morning, I spoke to the spirits audibly and acknowledged their presence with a polite “knowing my place attitude”. That night, Wednesday, was much calmer. I only heard some footsteps going up to the second floor of the Cabin. And last night, Thursday, it was calm and peaceful. The lamps dimmed a few times during the evening as well but that doesn’t bother me at all.
But I can definitely say that we will always return to the Christmas Farm Inn and the Log Cabin as long as we have dogs. We love it that much. The owners, the staff, all contribute to the magical atmosphere. But, in doing so, I will always acknowledge Spirit from the moment we arrive!
I’m curious if Mary’s dogs acted out of the ordinary. Animals usually pick up on stuff like that…
I’ve had 2 experiences here. The first one was before Ghost Hunters was there, before I knew it was haunted. It was July 2009 and I was staying in the Smokehouse Cottage, we brought our dog as well. I was sleeping and was having this terrible dream or nightmare. I woke up and decided not to go back to sleep yet because the dream I had scared me. So I’m laying there in bed and I hear a knock at the door. And it was around 2 am. And I hear a little boys voice say “Please help me” but I could tell that when he said it that he was smiling by the tone of his voice. And my first thought was who would let their child out at 2 am to wander around. That’s when this feeling came over me and I knew it was not a human but a spirit. Didn’t sleep the whole night. About a year later we were going to stay there again in the summer, and my husband is telling me it was on Ghost Hunters so it was confirmed that it was haunted just like I thought. So we go back again to stay there, and we were walking back from the indoor pool. I’m having a convo with my daughter and my husband has the camcorder on. When we got home we watched the videos we took. Sure enough there is a voice on there that wasn’t ours. My daughter was saying to me ” mom you know this” and this voice interrupted our conversation and chimed in “you know it”. Never heard the voice til after we played the video. As for the first time there, my dog was next to me in bed and did not hear what I heard she had no reaction,
We stayed in the carriage house room 10. I was woken up at 4 am by the smoke detector beeping 3 times. I got up and walked around the room to make sure nothing was on fire which nothing was. Looked outside on the balcony nothing going on. Went back to bed. 15min later the smoke alarm beeped 3 times. I was in bed facing the the door that led to the main hallway. When I opened my eyes that door was held wide open and man walked by the opening of the door walking down the hall. I got up and rushed to the door. The door had been closed but not fully closed. So I pushed it shut and locked it. So here’s the punch line. The door was spring loaded and could not stay opened on its own. Especially wide open like it was without slamming shut and making a loud noise. I locked the deadlock and door handle when we went to bed. The man in the hallway was gone. Didn’t even look in the room when the door was wide opened just walked by.
I stayed at the Christmas inn and spa. We decided to stay in the actual house itself on the second floor. It was late at night and everyone was sleeping. We got one of the rooms where the bed and the hot tub was separated by a half wall. I woke up quickly but it wasn’t as if i was actually awake. I was exhausted and laid there half asleep awake but not. i felt as if I couldn’t move maybe sleep peralisis? But i kept having a dream of a lady in an old white dress and she was floating above the ground behind the dividing wall. behind her was a figure in black with a rams skull head. Thats when I began getting nervous, demonic?. I cant describe it but I knew they were behind the wall and I was awake but dreaming this at the same time. I have been to the inn before and nothing like this has happened before.