This late-1700s historic manor house was the site of the famed Cherry Hill murder in 1827, in which Elsie Lansing, wife of businessman John Whipple, plotted with her lover drifter Jesse Strang to kill her husband. The controversial trial led to the hanging of Strang. Folks have seen an unidentified ghost on the grounds.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 527 S. Pearl St.
Albany, NY
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 42.63482011271908, -73.76346855819702
- County:
- Albany County, New York
- Nearest Towns:
- Rensselaer, NY (1.2 mi.)
Albany, NY (1.3 mi.)
Hampton Manor, NY (2.0 mi.)
West Albany, NY (3.4 mi.)
Delmar, NY (3.6 mi.)
East Greenbush, NY (4.4 mi.)
Menands, NY (4.4 mi.)
Roessleville, NY (4.7 mi.)
McKownville, NY (5.5 mi.)
Westmere, NY (6.6 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
When we visited the house & took the tour. We had a bigger interest about the murder that took place at the address. Our tour guide literally didn’t mention it. So I started asking questions & the guide seemed a little uninformed.
We were sitting on the second floor landing & I was asking questions, when all of a sudden the hallway closet door swung open rapidly, but completely silently and missed the top of my head by about a 1/2 inch. I was completely unaware until it had been swung by my head. The guide who had been facing us just stared and her mouth dropped open while it happened. My best friend who was with me, was the first to recover & said something to the effect of, “what the hell was that?”
The guide just muttered. “that’s never happened before… the door is to heavy to do that..” & ushered us back downstairs.
Jody you had a paranormal experience. Get an EMF meter and go back and see what you can pick up.Richard Turner
I always thought it was true about the murder.
i lived in Albany all my life and the story of the wife and her lover killing the husband has been around for years
I went on a class trip here as a child, and during one of the tour guides stories I began hearing singing. I started to look around and pinpoint the noise when I began realizing nobody else was hearing it. Until I caught eye contact with a teacher/chaperone from another school, not wanting to interrupt the tour guide she simply pointed to her ear, as if asking “do you hear that too?” Then promptly put her fingers to her lips to indicate that I should keep it to myself. Confirmed I wasn’t crazy, and as a resident of the city I’ve visited it many times since, and have never felt any negative energy despite it’s rough past. One of my favorite places on the planet.