It is said that between miles 8 and 12, this road is haunted by blue, white, and orange orbs of light, resembling headlights. Witnesses say they appear in the sky and may even follow your car. This phenomenon is reported to happen in wintertime at 7 p.m. or later.
If you've had a paranormal experience here, or have any additional information about this location, please let us know!
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Chena Hot Springs Road
Fairbanks, AK
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 64.88491025442268, -147.38165474496782
- County:
- Fairbanks North Star County
- Nearest Towns:
- Badger, AK (7.4 mi.)
Fox, AK (8.6 mi.)
North Pole, AK (9.3 mi.)
Two Rivers, AK (10.1 mi.)
Fairbanks, AK (10.4 mi.)
College, AK (12.5 mi.)
Moose Creek, AK (14.0 mi.)
Pleasant Valley, AK (15.0 mi.)
Eielson Air Force Base, AK (18.1 mi.)
Ester, AK (18.8 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
So, my daughter came home completely terrified last night, as she and her two friends witnessed a ghost car coming at them on CHSR. THEY SAW ONCOMING LIGHTS AND IT DISAPPEARED IN THEIR REARVIEW MIRROR AS IF THEY HAD NEVER PASSED ANY CAR. THE CAR HAD VANISHED RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR EYES. IT WAS 1:30 am on 7/25/17, and the kids do not know what mile of the road it was. They do know that it was on a hill.
Hi Gretchen! We exchanged messages but I can’t find your details now! I’d love to hear from you again.
I grew up at 9.7 mile Chena Hot Springs Road, and I never once saw or felt anything paranormal on that road. There did, however, used to be an old abandoned shell of a brick house on John Cole Road in which the guy died (committed suicide??) before he finished it, and we used to say that was haunted as kids.. although we never had any actual experiences. I believe it has since been torn down.
I’d be interested to hear from anyone who’s actually seen these orbs. Has anyone filmed them? Curious English TV producer here!
Hi Gretchen. I’ve lost your contact details! I’d love to stay in touch and chat more about this!