Charlie Chaplin Studios - Jim Henson Studio

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Featured in an episode of TV’s Ghost Hunters, the motion-picture studios built in 1917 by Charlie Chaplin (now Jim Henson Studio) is rumored to be haunted. An apparition has been seen on the roof wearing a top had and coat, and a woman’s form was seen walking through a door. A man in a handlebar mustache has been seen on the soundstage along with voices from the catwalk. Also a door has opened and closed by itself. The Ghost Hunters also uncovered some EVPs and whispers during their investigation.

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Geographic Information

1416 N La Brea Ave
Los Angeles, CA
United States

Get Directions »
34.096626, -118.34345400000001
Los Angeles County, California
Nearest Towns:
Hollywood, CA (1.0 mi.)
West Hollywood, CA (1.1 mi.)
Universal City, CA (3.0 mi.)
Century City, CA (5.1 mi.)
North Hollywood, CA (5.6 mi.)
Westwood, CA (5.7 mi.)
Glendale, CA (6.0 mi.)
Culver City, CA (6.0 mi.)
Burbank, CA (6.1 mi.)
North Glendale, CA (6.3 mi.)
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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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  1. I worked for an event planning company that managed an event at the Henson Studios in 2008. We started setting up in the daytime, and while alone in the longhouse, which we were told used to be the children’s schoolhouse when it was Chaplin’s Studios – I heard knocking on the glass windows throughout the day. When I went to the door – there was no one in the driveway or outside. Other staff reported seeing a woman in the dressing room area of the sound stage…the description of her appearance and dress indicated it may have been the ghost of Karen Carpenter, whose office was upstairs over the stage when the lot was A&M Records. Several people saw her in the dressing rooms but no one saw her enter or exit the rooms. I talked to the security and some of the staff there, and they confirmed that they’d all seen and heard those and other things while they’d worked on the lot.

  2. I was once working as a set photographer for an amateur film company, and the director lived nearby Charlie Chaplin’s (Jim Henson’s) studio. He knew that I’m a HUGE Chaplin fan, so he took me to see the building. For some reason, a back loading dock door was wide open, with no one in sight. So naturally, I peeked inside, curious of what I might see. I immediately felt a very intense presence. It was cold and dark, almost too cold for it being the middle of a Southern California summer. I felt like there were several pairs of eyes watching me. I swear I could hear whispering, but thought maybe it was some workers in the distance. Perhaps just a rationalization, perhaps reality… But to this day, I still feel there was a very overwhelming spiritual presence there. I’d be really interested in going on a real tour to see if I could feel the same energy again.

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