Considered by many to be the centerpiece of St. Augustine, the Castillo is the oldest masonry fort in the United States, dating back to 1672. It is also apparently a paranormal hot-spot, with night-time visitors frequently capturing orbs in their digital photos. The ghost of a woman can sometimes be seen walking around the fort, and some claim to have run into Spanish soldiers who were so real-looking they actually tried to have conversations with them.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 1 S Castillo Dr
St Augustine, FL 32084
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 29.897989, -81.31212299999999
- County:
- St. Johns County, Florida
- Nearest Towns:
- Saint Augustine, FL (0.3 mi.)
Villano Beach, FL (2.9 mi.)
Saint Augustine South, FL (3.8 mi.)
Saint Augustine Beach, FL (4.3 mi.)
Saint Augustine Shores, FL (6.0 mi.)
Butler Beach, FL (7.4 mi.)
Crescent Beach, FL (9.6 mi.)
Marineland, FL (16.9 mi.)
Hastings, FL (17.1 mi.)
Palm Valley, FL (19.8 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
A lot of people around town will claim the fort is not haunted. I cant deny our evidence thus far. We have a video of 2 bands of energy followed by mist that was captured outside by the execution wall. In the “dungeon” (or trash room) as some call it, we heard a very loud disembodied moan one morning when no one was there yet. Countless evps’s and EMF captured throughout.
Can you camp out there legally?
you cant ‘camp’ at the fort grounds per say…but you can be there all night long no questions asked! you just can only go inside the fort during open daylight hours. but theres been plenty of late nights that i’ve layed down on the seawall and dozed off at night there!
While visiting the fort with my sister we entered the room I think was the barracks. Toward the end of a row of cots was a heavy wooden door with a small barred window to another room. The door was locked but several people were peeping into the room and curiosity got the better of me. When I looked through the opening a scruffy, bearded man rushed the door telling me to “get out”. The rest of the tour I spent shivering as a freezing cold had enveloped me until we left the fort. I haven’t been back since although I live nearby.
i went there and i didn’t have an eerie feeling ay all and i was just snapping random pictures and finally after the tour guide told us it was time to go i got on the train and sat down and looked through the pictures and notices that towards the cannons it was a siloutte of a man with a gun and uniform
We were walking around the fort at night time and saw a head and shoulders silhouette in one of the windows. This was easily 10-15 years ago so we did not have cell phones with good cameras at that time to grab a picture. When we were able to catch up with a family member who had a digital camera we went back and it was gone! The next day we had paid to tour to fort and when we were able to figure out which window it was it was at least 20 feet high. 100% believe I saw my first ghost that night!!
My son was touring the place and had rocks thrown at his back when he was down below. There was no one behind him.