This resort was originally the Hotel St. Martin, which was built in 1901. Original builder Isadore St. Martin was killed in 1910 on the grounds, and it’s said that his wife Margaret died of loneliness a short time later. Witnesses have both seen and heard Margaret’s ghost in the lobby and in the second-floor hallways.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 372 St Martins Springs Rd
Carson, WA 98610
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 45.72920154623131, -121.79740816354752
- County:
- Skamania County, Washington
- Nearest Towns:
- Carson, WA (1.1 mi.)
Stevenson, WA (4.8 mi.)
Cascade Locks, OR (6.1 mi.)
North Bonneville, WA (10.5 mi.)
Hood River, OR (13.4 mi.)
Odell, OR (14.2 mi.)
White Salmon, WA (15.0 mi.)
Bingen, WA (16.1 mi.)
Mount Hood, OR (17.2 mi.)
Parkdale, OR (17.4 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:
- http://www.carsonhotspringresort.com

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Last weekend my wife and I went to Carson hot spring for the first time. we had soaked and enjoyed the pool for the day. I wasn’t in a great mood and fell asleep around 7pm… I woke up some time in the middle of the night. Unable to sleep I walked down to get some hot mineral water from the faucet. As I was walking down the path I had a feeling and a glance of what seemed to be 2 women watching me through the downstairs window of the old hotel. I was still in a funky mood and I was doing my best to ignore what was going on. I was getting the water and felt them, and momentarily I was viewing myself from their position.
I turned quickly to look and obviously nobody was there. I went back to my room sipped on the water and thought about what had happened. I decided to google if this place was haunted. Sure enough I found a pretty good story about the place. Also a mention of the wife being seen from the windows etc.. pretty much what I’d experienced.
I tried to ignore what I’d seen but then I was unable to sleep. I had a name in my mind. Not spoken to me but it was like a memory. “Margie”… I figured I’d read the wife’s name so I looked back at the story and noticed it had simply said Ms St. Martin… I took some time looking around the internet and found that the wife’s name I Margret!! Lol later I found her nickename is Maggie. Pretty close I think.
I had a few images of a short feller with a taller wife, and I knew he hated being called short fella. Gotta look into that. My grandparents lived in Colton I think some thing is connected my mom is looking into it. My great grandpa built a house in Colton and the road was named short fellows road.
I don’t beleive in ghosts. I think that as with water we our reality is made of waves. Wavelengths and space. No such thing as time. When Margret saw me she was alive. I’m sure she thought she saw a ghost too. I was wearing a long white robe lol. I think certain points in space waves bounce off each other and we are able to see different points within the ripple of our agreed upon reality.
My mom just looked this over and says we are related to Arcuette I might be spelling that wrong but pretty sure they related somewhere to st Martin. I’m just starting to look into this I feel very connected to this area. My grandma bought property on dhooghe rd from two brothers. I feel like they are tied into all this somehow.
My dad who passed in 2022 the st martains are family my dad’s grandma Olivia st martain is the daughter of isadore and Marguerite st martin. She was Indian from the dulles Oregon her brother was a machine man and she was the princess of her tribe . Married st martin . Olivia married clearance davey had Norman davey which is my grandpa and was reg with fed confederates tribe. I. Feel so drawn to that part of my heritage and wish I could learn more about the americN Indian side as I feel I have been robbed of that.
Update. Margaret Arcouet St. Martin is my great great grandpas sister. I found my long lost great great grandpa Michel Arcouet. He did have a son. It’s stated he never married and never had children… I think he was hiding his kids heritage. Indians were looked down upon, killed, paid less etc.. I let the family know and that I think was around to raise his child. Lots more to go over. Weird.
NATIVES!!! Not Indians!!!
That is so cool! I’m in East Tennessee in Cherokee Land. I recently found a census with one of my ancestors surrounded by Indians (That was how they were labeled in 1860 census). They had names like Ground Squirrel, Standing Wolf and Bigmeat! My ancestor was white but it leads me to believe his long lost wife may have been Cherokee.
There are lots of haunted places in the mountains and forests here related to spirits of Cherokee as well as those who fought them and Civil War fatalities.
From out visit in August 2019
My dad who passed in 2022 the st martains are family my dad’s grandma Olivia st martain is the daughter of isadore and Marguerite st martin. She was Indian from the dulles Oregon her brother was a machine man and she was the princess of her tribe . Married st martin . Olivia married clearance davey had Norman davey which is my grandpa and was reg with fed confederates tribe. I. Feel so drawn to that part of my heritage and wish I could learn more about the americN Indian side as I feel I have been robbed of that.ì
My dad who passed in 2022 the st martains are family my dad’s grandma Olivia st martain is the daughter of isadore and Marguerite st martin. She was Indian from the dulles Oregon her brother was a machine man and she was the princess of her tribe . Married st martin . Olivia married clearance davey had Norman davey which is my grandpa and was reg with fed confederates tribe. I. Feel so drawn to that part of my heritage and wish I could learn more about the americN Indian side as I feel I have been robbed of that.