Carlisle Barracks is a military school that was attended by the likes of John J. Pershing and Dwight D. Eisenhower. It was originally a military post that began in the 1700s. Ghostly band music is said to come from the bandstand, tunes from around the turn of the century. The campus is also said to be haunted by Jim Thorpe, the school’s star athlete, who has been heard playing basketball at night in the Old Gymnasium. Thorpe’s apparition also has been spotted at the Letort View Community Center along with others: a well-dressed female student and a man in farmers’ clothes. The center’s cellar is said to be a hot spot for strange activity. Hessian soldiers are believed to haunt the campus’ Powder Magazine Museum, and a ghostly lady in old-fashioned green dress walks in and out of homes along Barracks’ Flower Road. An invisible baby cries at the Washington Hall Guest House, and in one residence, a framed print of Civil War Major General J.E.B. Stuart was suspected to have been broken several times by a spectral Union soldier.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 22 Ashburn Dr
Carlisle, PA
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 40.2097561, -77.17693650000001
- County:
- Cumberland County, Pennsylvania
- Nearest Towns:
- Carlisle, PA (0.9 mi.)
Schlusser, PA (2.2 mi.)
Boiling Springs, PA (4.9 mi.)
New Kingstown, PA (5.4 mi.)
Plainfield, PA (6.0 mi.)
Mount Holly Springs, PA (6.3 mi.)
Mechanicsburg, PA (8.9 mi.)
Dillsburg, PA (10.1 mi.)
Landisburg, PA (11.5 mi.)
Shiremanstown, PA (11.8 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I didn’t see anything, but when I was 12 (about 7 years ago), my parents took my brother and I to visit Carlisle, PA and we stayed on campus in military house since my dad is in the National Gaurds. The room we stayed in was said to be Jim Thorpe’s room. I don’t know if he just stayed there or lived there. Anyway, I didn’t see anything but I remember I sleep walked that night because my mom found me rummaging around in her suitcase and asked me what I was doing to which I replied “nothing” she then told me to go to bed. I didn’t remember any of this happening when she told me in the morning.
I live in young hall on Carlisle barracks and from time to time in my apartment, I hear footsteps when everyone is asleep and when no one else is home. My friend came over to my house one time and we were passing a volleyball around and we heard a door opening and more footsteps, keep in mind my mom left to get pizza and no one else was home because my dad was at the library, so it was just me my sister, who was playing Fortnite on our tv with headphones on and you can’t hear any noises from the tv, and my friend. When we hear this we don’t really care but we both know these noises are going on cause we make eye contact once we heard it and we both know whats going on. We continue to pass the ball back and forth but then it gets loud and we both run down to the living room and we are both super scared. These are just a few things that have happened but I also see dark shadows in the dark and a creepy feeling that someone is staring at me or is near me. I live in the C area of the apartment building and I am the only person who lives on the top floor of the apartment area but there are a lot of people who want to live in young hall to my knowledge, there were two other families who lived on the bottom level of C that moved out for no reason and it creeps me out a lot and they are two of the “same apartments” because the apartments are the same number even though they are in different places. This is weird but it is nice to have the whole balcony to myself, but I wanted to share this because it gives me an unsettling feeling.