Location is on 143rd street, (Midlothian Turnpike) about about a 1 mile west of Oak Park. Just a mere road across the street from Tinley Creek Woods about half a mile into the woods. It is unknown when the camp grounds were abandoned or why but location has been in decay for a couple of years. The 3 cabins alone give a creepy feeling. Camp Falcon was build on top of a former native american reservation, about two miles west of the famously haunted Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery, and is in the middle of both current and former insanely haunted Midlothian Turnpike.
(Submitted by Alan C.)
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Tinley Creek Woods
Chicago, IL
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 41.630110682519536, -87.79005932814471
- County:
- Cook County, Illinois
- Nearest Towns:
- Palos Heights, IL (2.6 mi.)
Crestwood, IL (2.9 mi.)
Oak Forest, IL (3.0 mi.)
Orland Park, IL (3.3 mi.)
Palos Park, IL (3.3 mi.)
Midlothian, IL (3.8 mi.)
Alsip, IL (3.8 mi.)
Tinley Park, IL (3.9 mi.)
Orland Hills, IL (4.1 mi.)
Worth, IL (4.1 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Don’t go back there the bums that beg on 143rd and Harlem live in there they will attack you
Really? I was going to check it out. But you say it’s dangerous? Please email me:
lisawilliams7402@yahoo com
But I wanted to take pictures out there…
Lisa, sorry to inform you, but Camp Falcon was demolished. Not sure when, probably late summer/ early fall….was going there for another ghost hunt only to find a flat ground =(
The buildings are gone .. and very peaceful out there.
I’ve seen a ghost here. A woman in a white dress in the woods. It seriously scared me.
Ive actually seen dozens of ghosts..whisper Jakob and Jakob McFauls ghost seems to respond
They tore them down last year
You’re missing the most terrifying place of all. Approximately 1/2 mi north of midlothian tpke on just amere rd. Road has been ripped out but can walk through clearing in trees where it used to be. Just west of oak pk ave now is driveway that curves into parking lot.Where driveway turns walk straight about 1/2 mile to place where water on left side. can’t see pond but it’s filled with reeds. If you find spot good luck. I’ll never go back.
I really wanted to go there. I will try to find the other spot that Mr. Chicken recommend.Thanks
I actually had the honor of being a member of one of the last group to camp at Falcon. I was very young as I was still a Cub Scout at the time so maybe 10-12 years old. I honestly was never freaked out at all the entire weekend and was actually sad when it closed. I can say me nor any of my friends or leaders on the outing saw anything out of the ordinary. or ghosty.
I am so sad to hear that this is gone. We had great times camping here with Girl Scouts in the 70’s. There was a hiking trail called the Big Foot Trail that you could follow that would lead past Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery. Great memories. I do not recall ever having any scary issues with the camp, Bachelor’s Grove on the other hand….
Had many great memories at Falcon for Scouts camping. Heard all the ghost and Indian stories. Never slept in the cabins because I liked tenting but there were always kids who said sleeping in the cabins were creepy. Not sure what forced the Preserves to tear them down.
Our cub scout pack and scout troop (3475/475, St. Daniel the Prophet) used to have our winter cabin overnights at Falcon back in the 1970s. The cabins and dining hall were decrepit back then and overrun with mice. The sled hill in back was incredible…especially after we iced it down! We switched to the newer cabins at Camp Sullivan in 1980, whichbI believe are still open. No haunting experiences at either location.
I stayed here about 10 years ago and was just wondering if anyone knew of a way of renting a camping spot here. I would really love to go back.