This historic hotel was erected during the nineteenth century to serve as a railroad stopover for the railway industry which at the time was the lifeblood of the township. The hotel featured two especially haunted rooms, which are always in demand by paranormal investigators and enthusiasts visiting the very haunted hotel and town. In Room #207, a spook has been known to ring reception asking for sundry articles, but upon investigation, the room is locked and there is no one inside. According to reviews, Room #308 is a hotbed for paranormal activity, making it one of the most sought after rooms. Others claim to have seen a lady in a bright dress wandering the hallways who vanishes right before their eyes. In the dining room, the piano has been know to play of its own accord, and a man in an old-fashioned suit has been seen lounging around before disappearing when approached by staff or guests.
(Submitted by Callum Swift)
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 104 West Main St
Pipestone, MN
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 44.0002099, -96.31787680000002
- County:
- Pipestone County, Minnesota
- Nearest Towns:
- Pipestone, MN (0.0 mi.)
Hatfield, MN (6.8 mi.)
Ihlen, MN (6.9 mi.)
Trosky, MN (8.3 mi.)
Holland, MN (9.0 mi.)
Woodstock, MN (10.8 mi.)
Jasper, MN (11.1 mi.)
Ward, SD (12.8 mi.)
Edgerton, MN (12.9 mi.)
Flandreau, SD (14.2 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I just stayed in Room 307. I had a very uncanny feeling on the first night that I was not alone in my room. The next day, I asked my meeting attendee/friends if there was a haunting or anything at the Calumet. They all looked at me and incredulously said “yes” as if I was supposed to know! This is next to room 308 which my door shared the exact same hallway.
I was asked to do some renovations on the hotel. While working on certain rooms which i will leave anonymous i have had SEVERAL things happen. The first instance my wife was with me keeping me company while i was finishing up texturing a ceiling she took a snapchat of me working at the time of her recording i got some stuff in my eye.i yelled some choice words. when her video replayed everything was absolutely silent you could not her me and her phone said careless over and over as her phone glitched out we were both very shook up about this and her phone would not let her save the recording. The second event happened a few days later when i was doing the same in a different room. I was alone this time. as i was sanding the ceiling i felt as if somebody was watching me. I looked towards the door several after looking several times I saw what looked to be a tall old fashioned dress curly haired man leaning on the doorway looking at me. i double looked and when i looked back he walked off and disappeared. the third happened the next day when i was moving 20 plus mattresses into a storage room. the hotel manager was helping me. we laid out some plastic on the floor and stacked 10 or so and ran out of room so we put another tarp down. we pulled the corners tight to get rid all the wrinkles and proceeded on. after another 4 box frames i was carrying a box spring in and almost stepped on a light bulb on the tarp. we both walked over the tarp several times before that and stretched it out and there was no light bulb there. disturbing. shortly after that, on the same day i thought i saw a young girl in a white old fashioned dress running down the hallway in front of me. next several days later. we were getting a room put back together after it had been worked on. me and some other hotel staff put all the furniture back in the room including bed night stands tv dresser. when were done we all left the room and the door was locked. when me the manager and housekeeper returned later that day to clean the room the manager noticed something written down in the heavy drywall dust on the dresser. i took a picture. you look and interpret what it says, but to me it says “Im here ‘Ol chap”. this was extremely disturbing and I find myself thinking about everything that has happened constantly now. I never really was a person to believe in this kind of stuff but i am finding it very very hard to find reasonable explanations for all of these events. Will post more if other things happen as i will be doing more maintenance on the building.
Stayed in calumet in, nothing happened. I was in 308 no ghosts.
I worked as a housekeeper for the Calumet Inn in 2003. I encountered Charlie (a young man in his late 20’s early 30’s who must have died in one of the fires) many times, he is a happy chap dressed in an old fashioned suit and hat. Many times he would stand in the doorway, leaning against the frame and his hat cocked a bit to his left. He would watch me work and I would ask him how his day was going. Though, he didn’t answer he seemed charmed but me chatting with him while I worked. He sometimes would pull pranks on me, like starting my vacuum when I was across the room, unplugging it while I was vacuuming or pulling the phone off the hook just enough to get a dial tone and it would startle me when the phone began buzzing from being unhooked too long. He seemed to enjoy following me around as I worked and apparently I became his favorite. When others would clean the 2nd floor he wouldn’t show himself. One particular time my boss had found a mistake in one of my rooms (forgot to leave a comment card for the guest) and when she fussed, the phone was pulled off hook over and over, until it ended up falling on the floor. My boss apologized to Charlie and promised him I wasn’t in trouble. The phone stayed put after that. We had a good laugh about it when I came in the next day. I thanked Charlie the next time I saw him but explained that my boss does have the right to tell me when I forget something, he seemed to calm and go back to quietly watching me work with that lopsided grin and crooked hat that always made me smile. I wondered if he needed help crossing over but honestly he seemed so happy and interested in the goings on about the hotel, I didn’t have the heart to ask him.
I was the guest who interjected the reporter in the hotel. I was working as a travel nurse and the company i was working for put me up in the hotel. I felt the presence of a man and a women. The hair on the back of my neck stood up immediately as i put the key in the door. I only stayed 2 nights not 4 as it left me shaken. Its 10 yrs later to date Ill never foeget the feeling.
Stayed at the Calumet this Friday. Room 406. Took the Ghost Walk tour. Very fun and informative, but no part of me imagined that I would actually experience anything myself.
I woke up Saturday morning to the sound of one of my shih tzus, Oscar, barking defensively at the door. Outside the door you could hear what sounded like people talking and laughing, but it wasn’t right outside the door. It sounded like it was coming from downstairs in the lobby. I assumed it was people getting breakfast in the lounge. The stairwell from the 4th floor is open all the way down. It sounded really busy.
“Oscar, knock it off. Shh,” I said. He piped down, but kept growling quietly at the noise. Then I looked at the window. It was completely dark. That didn’t seem right, if guests were going to breakfast en masse. It had to be 7am or later. So I looked at my phone. 2:30am.
I looked back at Oscar, who was still growling at the voices. I thought, “what the hell is going on down there?” Right then the voices stopped. Completely. I don’t mean they died down or dropped in volume, the lobby noise just disappeared, like it had never been there. Like 15 or 20 people just stopped talking and moving. Oscar stopped growling, kept looking at the door, then put his head down. The hotel was silent. I was absolutely blown away. Not so much scared as “very convinced.”
I told the desk clerk in the morning. She said another guest had reported the same thing at the same time. A mass of people in the lobby. The clerk confirmed that no one was around at that time. No people at all. She also said this was one of the many kinds of disturbances that are frequently reported in the hotel, like the sounds of parties that aren’t there, and the music in the lounge being turned up incredibly loud when no one’s near the stereo.
I’ve been in plenty of spooky places before. Places that “felt” haunted. Places that go beyond your hair standing up or a feeling of dread. They were intense, but you could never really nail down what was going on, or whether you were just being hypersensitive. This Calumet Inn joint is 100%, without a doubt, real deal haunted.