Cady’s has been a Tavern since 1810 and was a stage coach stop there’s been all kinds of activity over the years like chairs, dishes getting thrown jukebox boxes turning on etc
(Submitted by Jim Wojdylak)
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 2168 Putnam Pike
Gloucester, RI
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 41.919386, -71.75714299999999
- County:
- Providence County, Rhode Island
- Nearest Towns:
- Pascoag, RI (3.8 mi.)
Chepachet, RI (4.4 mi.)
Foster, RI (4.5 mi.)
Harrisville, RI (5.3 mi.)
Thompson, CT (6.1 mi.)
Putnam, CT (7.8 mi.)
Killingly Center, CT (8.0 mi.)
Harmony, RI (8.5 mi.)
North Grosvenor Dale, CT (8.6 mi.)
Douglas, MA (9.4 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Cadys Tavern is located in GLOCESTER, RI
…not Gloucester…that’s a Massachusetts
fishing village on the coast…please get your facts and spelling correct
May I please have a property owner contact me . I am partnered with a local ghost hunter and would love to investigate your location. We have investigated The Webster F & G and have been contacted to do Oxford VFW. I can provide name and # to lead investigator
I live 2 miles from Cady’s, you should come and investigate with us sometime, there are a lot of very haunted places around here
I’ve been going to Cady’s for years, and this same woman comes over to me and stands there for as long as we are there, I seem always to know when she’s next to me, so I capture this pic with my phone, she seems to be from a period time, I have placed arrows for I believe I see.. I can’t seem to get her name out of her..I have seen different spirits in Cady’s also. I seem to be some sort of a magnet for them, what do you think?