Bruce Mansion was built in 1876, and is now a costume shop, according to reports. The land on which it rests were the site of many tragedies that may have resulted in its hauntings. Fires, deaths and wartime casualties occurred on the property and after it was built, the mansion changed hands many times. Legend has it that one owner hit someone while driving his car, then in a panic, buried the body on the estate. Later, the owner lost his fortune and hanged himself in the bell tower. Was it coincidence, or did the ghost of his victim have a hand in it? Witnesses say the building is haunted by past owners and has been investigated by paranormalists who found EVPs and other strange occurrences.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 5977 N Van Dyke Rd
Brown City, MI
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 43.21022062831617, -83.0779109894138
- County:
- Lapeer County, Michigan
- Nearest Towns:
- Brown City, MI (4.4 mi.)
North Branch, MI (6.1 mi.)
Marlette, MI (8.1 mi.)
Clifford, MI (8.8 mi.)
Melvin, MI (11.0 mi.)
Barnes Lake-Millers Lake, MI (12.0 mi.)
Imlay City, MI (12.8 mi.)
Attica, MI (13.2 mi.)
Peck, MI (13.5 mi.)
Fostoria, MI (15.1 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I actually live there. My husband’s parents own it. We have paranormal investigations going on right now. This our website The one you have listed needs to be removed and updated to the one I just gave you. Thank you and have a nice day.
I have once visited this location when it was a costume shop, me and my cousin saw a ghost cat running around on the bottom floor, one door which led to a bathroom, the door handle shook by itself, and we had gone all the way up to the attic and looked out the big main window, once we returned to our car in the front, we saw a ghostly figure hanging in the window
I have been to this place last year with my boyfriend and we were in the room and communicate with a spirit that is in the room. But the Bruce Mansion is Haunted and I read about it’s History before I went and it was a Warning! Enter If You Dare !!