The isolated hilltop Bridgewater Cemetery is known to have a glowing tombstone. The grave is that of a man who appears in ghostly form at night to guard the cemetery’s gate.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Co Rd 400 S
Lexington, IN
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 38.6350743, -85.7011819
- County:
- Scott County, Indiana
- Nearest Towns:
- Scottsburg, IN (5.1 mi.)
Henryville, IN (7.4 mi.)
New Washington, IN (10.0 mi.)
Austin, IN (10.3 mi.)
Memphis, IN (11.0 mi.)
Kent, IN (11.2 mi.)
Deputy, IN (11.3 mi.)
Little York, IN (11.9 mi.)
Charlestown, IN (12.7 mi.)
Hanover, IN (13.4 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Two of our investigators were with a guest investigator who had never been on an investigation. We were at Bridgewater Cemetery in Scottsburg, Indian. We were only there for 10 minutes, it being a 45 minute drive. We were only in the graveyard for about 2 minutes. The moment when we start recording we heard this loud scream. The sound in this file doesn’t due justice for how it sounded in real life with our own ears. It sounded all around us, and it sounded like there were several screams at once. We have done our fair share of trying to prove this was not some paranormal phenomenon, we have listened to many different animals native to Indiana and have not found a match. Our only two conclusions is that it was a person, or something paranormal. However, this is out in the middle of nowhere, the closest house is pretty far away.
We have spent the last 3 years trying to debunk this. We have listened to countless animals and have not found anything close.
Enjoy and give us your feedback on our facebook page or by email.
I hate to break it to you but that’s a fox :/
That’s a fox or a coyote
My friend and I visited the cemetery day before yesterday. We drove up to the gate and turned the car around in case we wanted to bolt out of there being the cemetery is on a dead end road. We put the car in park, rolled down the Windows, and shut the engine off. It was so quiet though you could barely hear dogs barking way off in the distance. Are flashlight immdently began to malfunction luckily we both had lights on are phones. As soon as we began to walk into the cemetery we heard a loud bang. We immediately ran to the car jumped in. I reached into my pocket grabbed the keys and turned on the ignition and lights. What was that?? We both were freaked out. Looking around we noticed a red gate over to left of us completely open. We had noticed the gate when we had turned the car around with are headlights and both of us agreed it was most definitely closed. After about 10 min of catching are breath we both decided to walk up to the gate to see what was going on. We left the car running with the headlights on and began slowly walking to the red gate.Before we got to close all of a sudden we both heard what sounded like a horse and then heard what sounded like galloping through the woods to the right of the red hate. We both ran for the car jumped in a sped out of there down the gravel road. I suppose maybe the landowner had a horse or something but it still scared us.
Drove there with a group of amigos late at night after another haunted destination. As I pulled up, I discovered to my surprise that there are, in fact, graves outside of the fence. I found this out because my headlights shone upon a single stubby headstone right in front of the car, meaning that the front driver’s-side tire was currently on top of a grave (oops). Maybe this was the gatekeeper? While we explored the perimeter, we were engulfed by an oppressive feeling of being unwelcome, and of being watched. We all froze when we heard a car coming from just over the hill, since this place was quite isolated and it was very late, but the sound of tires on pavement abruptly stopped and never returned. A chorus of howling dogs provided a wonderful backdrop as we searched for the glowing tombstone. One of them (the big pillar-type one) was definitely lighter than the others. We left in a hurry because the feeling of dread and hostility became unbearable. I apologized to the owner of the grave that I had sort of run over, but I guess he wasn’t in the forgiving mood. Bad vibes, man.
We just came from there last night. We got there around 10 30 pm, When we first got there we didnt notice anything. It was shortly after another car showed up, and a group of other people got out as well and was walking around the area. Facts of this is, if you go in with all your lights on and everyone being loud, you more than likely will not come across anything. Well long story short those people ended up leaving but 2 guys showed up with voice boxes, and they had many stories for us. It was midnight when they got there and we got lots of activity. I felt someone touch my shoulder, and we heard a baby crying. After that the one guy put a flashlight about 10 feet from us with the light off. After about 5 min or so the flashlight came on with no one around it. Things got very scarry there. The other weird thing was we heard several dogs barking no more than 20 feet away in the woods, and then they was just gone. If i was to tell you if this place was serious or not, i would say yes. This is no joke guys. I also wish the drunks and dumb ass people would not go there and bust up stones that belong to those who was resting. Why do people damage graves. That is horrible, and im really shocked no one got a bad result for doing so.
Hate to break it to you, nothing here haunted. I live on this road, less than 2 minutes walk away. Good luck getting up the hill to the cemetery in a vehicle, flood waters from back in April washed some of the gravel away, exposing plates. Great thrill to ride your bike in those plates, I can say myself. I don’t know how this got 9 reviews on Google, or who would come to some old grave site for some “investigating”, but a 7-minute drive from Scottsburg to here is not worth it.
I’ll include a panorama photo from my house if you to see the field and Bridgewater Rd that leads up to it.