An apparition of a 1950s policeman is said to sit inside the graveyard with a blue light. Other apparitions and phantom dogs with glowing red eyes also have been seen, and a cave said to be on the cemetery premises has many spooky stories attached to it.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Off S County Rd 450 W
SW of Greencastle, IN
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 39.5865453, -86.9295449
- County:
- Putnam County, Indiana
- Nearest Towns:
- Greencastle, IN (5.3 mi.)
Cloverdale, IN (8.8 mi.)
Harmony, IN (10.0 mi.)
Carbon, IN (10.1 mi.)
Knightsville, IN (10.6 mi.)
Fillmore, IN (10.9 mi.)
Brazil, IN (11.3 mi.)
Bainbridge, IN (13.6 mi.)
Center Point, IN (14.1 mi.)
Staunton, IN (15.4 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I lived in Greencastle from the time I was 10 until I went to college. There was a summer when I snuck into the cemetery with some friends and we witnessed the floating blue lantern from across the grounds. We also heard what sounded like dogs growling as we got back into the car. Before we could leave, there was the sound of a dog growling and barking very loudly and menacingly right outside my car door. As we sped away, I swear that I saw a black dog with red eyes running along side the car.
Hi Jeff! Do you think you could post a link to your EVPs? Maybe upload them to youtube and comment the link? I was there in early September and tried doing one, but we came up with nothing.
I am apart of The Indianapolis Paranormal Society. We just investigated there on Oct. 3. It is such a beautiful landscape. Creepy when it gets dark. I heard a grunt during a Spirit Box Session which might not have been paranormal but creepy to hear in a cemetery at night. During a EVP session we did catch a female whisper.
Kelsey a friend and I got lost in this area. as a part of a paranormal society what can you tell me on the history of this place? I was by the corn fields a black pit bull jumped out i slammed on my breaks I should have hit this dog at my speed and wrecked my car. He jumped torwards my passenger window. When my car finally stopped he disappeared he never ran back to the field and not accross the house I got out to check and find it. I never looked at his eyes I simply saw black and recognized the breed. Also your whispering woman did you catch what she said and and growling?
The dog you are hearing and seeing is a hellhound. You are lucky to be alive these beasts are known to kill you and eat your body
I was there last night and we saw a car driving up the road to the cemetery but once we got into the car it disappeared. There’s no turn around in the road before the cemetery.. We heard a woman’s voice near the cave as we approached it, and we saw red glowing eyes from the field across from the cemetery. Very strong sense of being watched, and very strong vibes. I highlyyyyy recommend it to anyone interested in it, I believe the disappearing car was the car of the police officer.
I’ve always thought of the hellhouds to be bs, but during our last visit there we heard this moaning/howling type noise, something I’ve never even heard before. My best guess is that’s what we were hearing. It got progressively louder throughout the night, and was really close at one point, however we didn’t see a single thing. Just freak.
I have been through the cave. Caskets hanging from overhead. Many strange phenomenon going on there.
Where’s the cave? How do you get to it??
It was hard for us to find it too lol. Once you pull into the road leading up to the cemetary and you get to the part where it splits, it’s directly to the right of that if you go down the hill into the creek. There’s a fence there, so I’d recommend going to the very corner of the cemetary and you’ll see a break in the fence. Hop over that and go arround and down into the creek and you should find it. Be careful if you do go down there, I’m pretty sure the cave is on somebody’s property, and you could get in trouble. Also the land over the fence features some cows that can spook you if you’re unaware of them, we learned that the hard way. It’s really scary at night, no “caskets hanging from overhead” but we did hear a seriously spooky moaning noise that was growing closer to us the whole time there.
That’s BS. I’ve been all the way back to where the water was only about 6 inches from the roof crawling on my stomach. Had to inch my way backwards to get out. The cave is in solid limesone. No caskets! Sheesh!
When I lived in Indiana years ago, a friend and I went to visit a lot of places in Indiana. When we visited this place we could tell something was off there. We were there from sunset to darkness and it was creepy as the darkness overcame the cemetery. We never did find the cave though.
My father is buried there. The grave overlooks the covered bridge there. It is eerie there.
Is this place open to public or will you get arrested for going there?
It’s open to the public, and you can go there at night. However our 3rd time going at night a police officer was watching over the cemetary, and had to tell us to leave because people were vandalizing the place. October 28th 2017 was the day and we haven’t went back at night since then, so it’s a tough call whether it’s still being patrolled. I highly doubt you could get arrested for going there, the cave however is debatable.
can someone explain how to get to the cave there isn’t much on finding it?
I didn’t have any paranormal experiences to report, but it’s a beautiful cemetery with one of Daniel Boone’s relatives buried there. The view is gorgeous as well.