Many spirits are said to reside in this peaceful cemetery. Some of the most well known are the Screaming Man and Mary. The Screaming Man, according to witnesses, begins by cring piteously and gradually buildings to screaming, shouting, and curses. The noise is so loud that those nearby have had to call the police, although no one is ever found. Some have seen a shadowy figure running and flailing his arms nearby. Also, the spirit of a teenage girl named Mary is said to offer condolences to grieving folks who visit the cemetery.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- SW 4th Ave and Old Cemetery Road
Boca Raton, FL
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 26.344223195604034, -80.09508338518066
- County:
- Palm Beach County, Florida
- Nearest Towns:
- Boca Raton, FL (1.2 mi.)
Deerfield Beach, FL (1.8 mi.)
Boca Del Mar, FL (3.2 mi.)
Hillsboro Beach, FL (3.6 mi.)
Boca Pointe, FL (4.1 mi.)
Highland Beach, FL (4.2 mi.)
Pompano Beach Highlands, FL (4.3 mi.)
Tedder, FL (4.5 mi.)
Lighthouse Point, FL (4.8 mi.)
Hillsboro Pines, FL (6.3 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Workedat the nearby school for 9 months overlooking the cemetery. Saw funerals but no ghosts. Of course it was in the daytime.
Taught in a classroom for almost a year overlooking the cemetery. Never felt snything from there, but i was on religious grounds.
I also worked at the school next door on the northeastern side of the cemetery. My classroom faced directly towards the cemetery. Never felt or saw or heard anything unusual in the 9 months I taught there. I would park my car right near the property line.
Driving by this cemetery, every time!, something would SLAM against the door facing it. Unusually, I was unable to ‘connect’ / using sensitive facility / or intuit what the cause was, other than the obvious, trying to get my attention. Nothing ever ‘tagged’ me … I’d say the reports of it’s ‘haunt’ are valid.
I worked for a cleaning company that was contracted to clean the small office located in the cemetery once a week around 4;30am-5am. I worked doing that for about a month in 2014 but never saw/heard/felt anything. I was expecting to and I was freaked out every time I went there since I have an irrational fear of ghosts and would be cleaning the office alone (since it was so small), but nothing ever happened. But I know if I ever heard a screaming man and someone running around flailing their arms around, I would’ve ran for the hills.
I used to live in a duplex, that was directly across the street from the Boca Raton Cemetary (East side).
I never thought anything of it, nor had I seen anything.
I was big into running, and was always looking for places to run, at night. A way to keep my mind occupied while running. I decided to run the giant oval in the East side cemetery, behind St. Joan of Arc. I swear I thought I saw a shadowy figure flailing by the headstones, from the corner of my eye. I just wrote it off to headlights hitting me, making the shadow. It totally could’ve been, but I decided to never run in there, again.