Blackfoot Cemetery has graves that date as far back as the 1800s and is a hot spot for the ghostly folk, some say. Witnesses have described eerie lights, unexplained sounds, and one grave that appears to be separate from all the others. According to local legend, the grave belongs to a witch.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 300 E Co Rd 900 S
Oakland City, Indiana
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 38.289378430229476, -87.27411174777444
- County:
- Pike County, Indiana
- Nearest Towns:
- Spurgeon, IN (2.7 mi.)
Oakland City, IN (5.1 mi.)
Somerville, IN (5.7 mi.)
Lynnville, IN (6.6 mi.)
Mackey, IN (6.9 mi.)
Winslow, IN (7.2 mi.)
Francisco, IN (9.7 mi.)
Elberfeld, IN (13.0 mi.)
Holland, IN (13.3 mi.)
Petersburg, IN (14.0 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Grew up just a few miles from Blackfoot Cemetery. I’ve heard plenty of stories about devil worshippers convening in the woods behind the cemetery. The witch’s grave is not located there, however. It is located in a small graveyard somewhere in the state forest in pike county.
Is this small cemetery that’s in the state forest called Simpson cemetery?
I have been here one time it was about 8:30pm to about 11:30pm I f found a ghost face.honestly,I went to google maps and I couldnt have a reflection that far away.I cropped it an pixelized it
I went there one night with a bunch of friends, while we were sitting down in the middle of the graveyard we heard a big thud and we could feel it shake the ground. Then when we were leaving my friends car had human foot prints on his windshield.
In the 7th grade on Halloween night my family had went there. I have great grandparents buried in the graveyard. We saw orbs of lights, black cats that was not there, I saw a hand on the corner of my window and the stone that marks years from the time the church was built till it was torn down (I’m not sure how much truth there is behind it being torn down) but, it felt like eyes where watching you the whole time. My mother who doesn’t believe in spirits at all said that when she used to go to church with my great grandparents said she always felt she was being watched from the time they came to church service till the end. So the feeling of being watched has always been there.
Been there plenty of times and we have had handprints and picture of ghost from the cemetary alot of creepy stuff happend
Me and a friend of mine went there two hours ago and heard two sounds from the woods the first was some sort of eerie scream and the second was like a rocking chair creaking real loud and then as we were fastwalking back to the car we saw these orbs of light. Nothing could explain it I felt like I was being watched
I went here once in the early 2000s with a friend. Of all the places/cemetaries I’ve been to that were supposedly ‘haunted,’ this is the only one that scared me. Three times I saw large shadows dart across my vision. This is the old Blackfoot cemetary, mind you.. not the new one. The old one’s out off a rock road deep in the woods up a steep hill. Anyways, several months later I went back out alone and things felt very peaceful and calm. Then a few years later I went back out with the same friend in a thunderstorm. We didn’t leave the car because of the rain but omg… shadows were everywhere. I’ve never experienced anything like this anywhere else in my life.
I went there about 1980 or 81 with some friends that worked at the mines around there to see the sunrise we went to the church it did feel like we weren’t alone, the benches were all dusty but you could see where people had been sitting on them we also heard noises and saw shadows needless to say we didn’t wait on the sunrise we left, I’ve lived in the same town all my life an have never been back