A phantom white horse and the ghostly swinging lanterns and whistling of long-deceased coal miners have been reported here.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Black Diamond Cemetery
Black Diamond, WA
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 47.3108116, -122.0167146
- County:
- King County, Washington
- Nearest Towns:
- Black Diamond, WA (0.7 mi.)
Ravensdale, WA (3.3 mi.)
Lake Morton-Berrydale, WA (4.3 mi.)
Maple Valley, WA (5.8 mi.)
Covington, WA (5.9 mi.)
Enumclaw, WA (7.5 mi.)
Lea Hill, WA (7.8 mi.)
Hobart, WA (7.9 mi.)
Auburn, WA (9.9 mi.)
Maple Heights-Lake Desire, WA (10.0 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:
- http://www.ci.blackdiamond.wa.us/Depts/PubWorks/cemetery.html

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I visited this cemetery during the day. The only “odd” thing we noticed was this vase that had been shattered but was still standing upright. This grave was also enclosed by a gate (I zoomed in to take the pic) so no one would have been able to break the vase and stand it back up. Something unexplainable!
Now I’ve been here several times, I felt someone touch my neck as well as my arm, also I smelt that gas smell that has been rumored to be related to the minors. Also I did at one point have photos of a figure and other photos of mist that look like a figure could be forming. I’ve personally seen a shadow man as well. I do have personal experiences that I simply can’t explain. Here is some photos from my last trip, it was a clear day and no one was smoking in our group.
Went there a lot of dead children, sow a lot of orbs, then a storm came throw so yeah..
5 of us went at pretty much exactly 12 am on a Monday night. Me and my buddy were in the back of the group, the second I stepped into that place i felt like I shouldn’t have been there, extremely unwanted and cold. We went in which was hard because I know others felt the same but we took a stop looked around all walking slowly before a stop. When we stopped for a moment I felt a freezing not just chills but a freezing feeling on the back of my neck which moved down to my shoulder blades, I said woah woah woah and was waiting for someone else to say do you feel that!? Before I said it myself. 2 seconds into feeling this my friend also in the back of the group said did you feel that.. I looked at him and said yes and we started walking out quickly while 2 friends were somewhat frozen in place 3 of us headed out with them soon coming behind us. We all were walking out when my girlfriend turned around and directly where me and my friend both felt the freezing sensation on specific parts of our body there was a little girl standing in the exact spot I felt like something freezing was touching me, we all started running. 2 of my friends decided to go back in. They headed in, my friend T saw an orb Infront of my other friend about 3 feet ahead. But said nothing, he then heard a snap in his ear but again said nothing and was waiting for my other friend E to see or feel something, E was staring out into the cemetery when he saw something getting close and they both then heard a screaching sound getting closer like within feet and that figure in the distance kept
Moving closer. We all were out of there and in the car 2 of us that had felt the coldness before still felt weird in our neck I personally felt a bit sore and still cold there. When we got home the 2 of us still felt drained from that touch or feeling and the next day I woke up sick. This expierence was out of this world and I personally don’t plan on going back again, if you dare to be frightened or don’t believe in this I encourage you to go. I know this is a comment, but this is only the truth of what happened.
went there, was peaceful and i felt completely calm, nothing strange this place normal and gentle, i think most people over exaggerate about their experiences here man, because it was honestly boring. if your the type to hunt for ghosts then dont pick this place