There are said to be three ghosts here, all of whom have been spotted by visitors. On the first floor, the apparition of an elderly housekeeper has been seen. On the third floor, the ghost of a thin man has appeared. Also reported in the house is a spectral meowing cat.
If you've had a paranormal experience here, or have any additional information about this location, please let us know!
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 309 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 39.9471759, -75.1467538
- County:
- Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
- Nearest Towns:
- Philadelphia, PA (1.0 mi.)
Camden, NJ (2.1 mi.)
Wood-Lynne, NJ (3.4 mi.)
Gloucester City, NJ (4.2 mi.)
Merchantville, NJ (4.2 mi.)
Tioga, PA (4.4 mi.)
Collingswood, NJ (4.5 mi.)
Oaklyn, NJ (4.6 mi.)
Audubon Park, NJ (4.7 mi.)
Pennsauken, NJ (4.7 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I have never seen any siteings at the Bishop White House, but I did work on the restoration of the Bishop White House in the 1960’s I believe. It was an interesting experience to see all that goes into a restoration job
I have captured many orbs Everytime I take a picture at this location.
This place is the real deal! I am a tour guide in Philadelphia. I’ve had two very interesting experiences while telling the tales of the bishop White House to guests. I’ve also had guests take really interesting/creepy pictures of this home. I attached one of those photos. This is one of the windows from the back of the house.
I have many photos that have captured ghosts looking out the window particularly a woman with children can be seen this is all the time
You can clearly see the woman and two children looking out the window