The Betsy Ross House is rumored to be haunted by — you guessed it — the famed seamstress herself. The site has been featured on TV’s Ghost Hunters.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 239 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 39.95227999999999, -75.14461599999998
- County:
- Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
- Nearest Towns:
- Philadelphia, PA (1.0 mi.)
Camden, NJ (2.3 mi.)
Wood-Lynne, NJ (3.5 mi.)
Tioga, PA (4.1 mi.)
Merchantville, NJ (4.1 mi.)
Gloucester City, NJ (4.4 mi.)
Collingswood, NJ (4.5 mi.)
Pennsauken, NJ (4.6 mi.)
Oaklyn, NJ (4.8 mi.)
Audubon Park, NJ (4.9 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
In August 2013 my daughter and I arrived at The Betsy Ross house at 3:45pm not knowing that it was only open until 4pm. We decided to still purchase tickets and go on the self-guided tour. We first entered the first floor then went up to the second floor. This house is very small so, it only takes a few minutes to tour the home if you are in a hurry. Before leaving, we headed down to the home’s basement and that’s where both my daughter and I had an experience we will never be able to explain or forget. As soon as we entered the basement we both felt our chests become heavy. Have you ever heard the term “Heavy hearted.” I assumed it was a metaphor for sadness. Now, I believe there is another reason for the term. As we entered the basement we both felt the air in the room become dense. It was if the air was heavier and it was putting pressure on our bodies. We both felt our chests become tight and heavy and, from other experiences I have had in the past, knew immediately that this was not residual energy or a ghost playing games. There is something benevolent in the home’s basement. I know because I experienced it. I have not been back and, even though I am not afraid of spirits or the super natural, I am terrified of that basement.
My mother and I visited the Betsy Ross home last April. We enjoyed our tour, however, once we got to the last room in the basement, we both heard the humming of what seemed to be an adolescent boy. We both heard it independently and thought it was the other person humming or perhaps headphones, but once we realized we were the only ones in the room and had both heard the same thing, we knew it was some sort of paranormal activity. We left the room house and shared our experience with the employees, who assured us it was not something in the tour, and nothing they had ever heard. We will never forget our experience at the Betsy Ross House!