The home of a former slave trader, Bellevue is reportedly haunted by the ghosts of slaves abused and murdered there. Legend states that the mistress of the house was particularly cruel to the slaves and would often beat them to near death, and more than a few would later succumb to their wounds. The doomed slaves stay on, causing mischief in the form of slamming doors, items being thrown about and other ghostly happenings.
Legend also has it that later, after it had been turned into a hotel, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow rented a room there where he wrote “The Building of the Ship” but there is no evidence to support this and it appears to be nothing more than a clever bit of marketing.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 3401 Beach Blvd
Pascagoula, Mississippi
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 30.343307, -88.52808299999998
- County:
- Jackson County, Mississippi
- Nearest Towns:
- Pascagoula, MS (2.3 mi.)
Moss Point, MS (4.7 mi.)
Gautier, MS (5.8 mi.)
Escatawpa, MS (6.8 mi.)
Hickory Hills, MS (10.3 mi.)
Helena, MS (10.6 mi.)
Gulf Park Estates, MS (14.3 mi.)
Grand Bay, AL (14.4 mi.)
Vancleave, MS (16.6 mi.)
Big Point, MS (17.0 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
My grandpa used to work on the houses down on this beach. He said after Hurricane George he was down there working and he looked up and there were 3 black folk standing in the window and they appeared to be laughing. But he knows there was no one in the house.
I have a sister her use to work there when it was a hotel, and she said she would pull things out in kitchen to set down, turn her back, a D be in its Organa location. She quit and freaked out. I believe it being haunted holds truth. .
My friend does landscaping here and i habe helped her a few times. While there i would hear people walking and whistling but nobody was there except me and her! We pulled the drapes open to let sun in on flowers went to get a water jug came back and drapea were closed!! She just opened them again and spoke to them saying “now y’all leave my drapes open so these plants dont die” i just looled at her strange and blew it off until i went yo walk up yhe stairs to look for her and a mam was standing at the top of stairs !!!! I screamed and all of a sudden he was gone!!! But my friend said she talked to them all the time and would wave to them in the window!!! Needless to say i NEVER went back!!!!