The former owner, his wife, and two of their friends are thought to be here after they all died in a car accident. Numerous apparitions are seen here (all of which wear out of date clothing), electric items turn on and off by themselves, footsteps are heard, and the smell of perfume manifests out of nowhere.
(Submitted by Chris Berglund)
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 8041 Soquel Dr
Aptos, CA 95003
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 36.97746619999999, -121.9004597
- County:
- Santa Cruz County, California
- Nearest Towns:
- Aptos, CA (0.1 mi.)
Rio Del Mar, CA (0.6 mi.)
Seacliff, CA (0.9 mi.)
Capitola, CA (2.9 mi.)
Soquel, CA (3.2 mi.)
La Selva Beach, CA (3.4 mi.)
Opal Cliffs, CA (3.7 mi.)
Aptos Hills-Larkin Valley, CA (3.8 mi.)
Live Oak, CA (4.4 mi.)
Day Valley, CA (4.5 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I’m not a ghost Hunter and not even sure if I believe in ghosts but I did stay and also work at the bayview hotel and witnessed some intresting things. The first account is when I stayed there with a boyfriend who got free rooms for working there. We stayed in rm #7 the lights would come on in the middle of the night and dim and relight, probably a electrical problem since its so old, but the bathroom door would slam shut for no reason. It would slam opposite direction from any wind source as the window was near the door. We stayed in that room more than one night so I had time to witness this on more than one occasion. We proped the door open against the wall and it would still randomly slam shut. Not too scary really but the weird thing was I would always wake up when the lights did their thing even if I was dead asleep. Years later I became friends with 5th family that bought it and I would work on the rooms with the daughter, her house cleaning and me repainting. I used to sneak up on her when she was cleaning and she would freak out! She has her stories, but those our hers, she was scared straight though. I eventually felt bad for freaking her out and stopped. The weirdest thing I witnessed was I was vacuuming one of the rooms and the vacuum was industrial so it had a long cord, the outlet didn’t work in that area so I wrapped up the cord nice and tight and walked to the outlet to unplug it. As soon as I got to the wall, the cord, all like 50ft of it it started unwinding from the vacuum, loop by loop. I said out loud “you’ve got to be kidding me” That kinda defied gravity but since I was kinda familiar with the haunting I wasn’t scared. I’ve hung out there a lot and if it is haunted I don’t think they are mean ghosts, maybe just trouble makers. I’ve lived in the area for years and the hotel has always had problems and gone through a lot of owners. I had an older friend who stayed there in the 70s when you could rent rooms by the week. She said a lot of the clientel where drug abusers and riff raff. There is speculation that overdoses accused there. So who knows who really haunts the hotel!
We were married at the Bayview and spent our wedding night there. First off our 3 year old daughter refused to go upstairs to get ready to be a flower girl because of the ghosties. We had purposely not talked about ghosts beforehand.
My husband and didn’t sleep until dawn and it wasn’t because of our wedding night. Our keys would slide across the desk, and bags holding champagne crinkled all night long. The room sort of vibrated with energy.
We were on the 3rd floor. I love the building and wish it would come alive again.
I worked there in the 90s and was vacuuming on the 3rd floor when the plug practically jumped out of the outlet. I ran down into the parking lot.
I stayed there when Gwen, the manager went on vacation as the innkeeper and was alone in the hotel, I heard footsteps ALL night long. Super freaky. She had lots of ghost stories about the kitchen and her quarters, which was a room on the 3rd floor.
Hi Gabe! This is Gwen! Don’t know if you will ever see this, but here goes…
I just saw your comment on this page – what a pleasant surprise. I was looking for information & photos about the Bayview Hotel because I’ll be doing a program in October on my experiences living in a haunted hotel. I have been working at a retirement community in Eugene, OR & often give presentations for the residents.
Would love to hear from you, if possible. (My email, if they’ll print it:
Please help me, I am under constant scrutiny of some supernatural object entity and no one believes me because it is so fantastical, but it is 100 percent true and going on as I write this comment. Eureka Canyon in Corralito’s area of Watsonville.
please help me, there is some thing evil and sinister going on here, no one believes me but I am telling you the canyon in Coralittas area of Watsonville lurks a supernatural something and it is after me. I have been tormented for 3 years and now about to move and it has increased its ritual of torment, I am seriously not sure I will survive this.
Hi colette..if you are still having these same experiences I would love to talk with you. I also live in corralitos and for the past three or so years there have been many instances in which a presence has made themselves known in very obvious ways. ..jeanette