People claim that a hitchhiking ghost haunts this road.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Bayou Sale Road
Houma, LA
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 29.335196, -90.691996
- Parish:
- Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana
- Nearest Towns:
- Dulac, LA (3.9 mi.)
Chauvin, LA (9.2 mi.)
Montegut, LA (12.6 mi.)
Bourg, LA (16.0 mi.)
Presquille, LA (16.0 mi.)
Houma, LA (18.1 mi.)
Bayou Cane, LA (20.3 mi.)
Lockport, LA (23.4 mi.)
Lockport Heights, LA (23.5 mi.)
Galliano, LA (24.8 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
This is scary! 🙁 I didn’t know it was so scary
I hit something on this road one night, it was a clear night with my high beams on doing about 40… nothin was in that road… but I hit something hard enough to crack the plastic pieces on my grill and bend my hood up in a little spot
My mother whom I trust told me.
She lost one hour of time while traveling that road one nite.
One afternoon me and my wife both saw a man walk into the tall grass and when I got to where he would have went in the area was undisturbed and we both saw it at the same time. I grew up hearing stories from older people about their experiences so now I have my own. Cool lol
Took pictures on this road…think I have a picture of da Rougarou
That’s a great pic! Sure don’t know what that is. Thanks for sharing.
ok so what i saw was a woman in a drass and she had blood on her so me and my friends try to ask her is she ok but she run to us and we got in the car and we saw a body
My sister drive down here in the 9 pm hour last night to get to Cocodrie. She saw a hitchhiker on the side of the road and slowed down so she wouldn’t hit the person and the person was gone once she approached it. Then we learned about the haunted stories and she had the exact experience many websites said!
A hitchhiker ghost that disappears once you approach. She thought she was seeing things and got scared.
That’s a great pic! Sure don’t know what that is. Thanks for sharing.