Legend has it that a young woman hanged herself long ago at Baker College of Owosso, and her ghost still lingers, creating cold spots, shadows and unexplained sounds.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 1020 S Washington St
Owosso, MI 48867
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 42.98587772644666, -84.17066428836063
- County:
- Shiawassee County, Michigan
- Nearest Towns:
- Owosso, MI (0.9 mi.)
Middletown, MI (1.3 mi.)
Corunna, MI (2.7 mi.)
Henderson, MI (7.1 mi.)
New Haven, MI (7.5 mi.)
Vernon, MI (7.8 mi.)
Bancroft, MI (9.2 mi.)
Morrice, MI (10.2 mi.)
Ovid, MI (10.2 mi.)
Oakley, MI (10.6 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:
- http://www.baker.edu/baker-college-of-owosso/

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I live in the top floor suite side of Kurtz Hall. There’s been numerous times where I’ve been sitting on the couch in the living room alone and out of the corner of my eye it looks like someone is peeking their head through the doorway of my bedroom. However, I have the room to myself. No one else lives in there. When I turn my head to look, there’s nothing there.
Similar experience about 9 years ago. This happened top floor of Hidihall. I was dating this girl named Nicole at the time. Her friend that lived next door to her room had gotten attacked. She comes running out of her room crying hysterically. She said something had held her down to the bed. She had Freddy Krueger marks down her back about 6 12inch welts. I had photos but something happened to my computer. Strange enough my gf at the time always complained about unusual cuts on her hands.
History that I can share on this place. Many years ago under hidihall was Indian burial grounds. Years later the caverns under hidihall was a sane asylum. They used to perform spring water bathes to cure crazy people. No one has access to this area, and those that have been down there has either gotten sick, felt cold spots, or been pushed out by something that cant explain.
About 8 months ago my roommate was getting ready for bed while I was already sleeping. At first, she did not know that I was already in bed and she thought that I was I was standing in the corner. She soon realized that I was already in bed and asleep, and she starred at this dark figure that was standing there watching her. Room 222c of Kurtz definitely had a sighting that night! We’ve heard stories of students hearing young girls giggling outside their windows at night, just to find out that no one is actually outside their window. Supposedly there is a worship area in the basement of Hoddy Hall, which no one is allowed in. The campus does over look a cemetery though, so what can one expect.
Wow Katelyn, I attend the Flint campus, we do not have anything near as exciting! Was your roommate scared?
I attend Flint campus currently and have heard of no such stories. I am jealous to never had the opportunity to experience such things!
S, you are correct, here is the history of the property.
Hello, i wish to come to this school for a school project about ghost hunting with simple and everyday objects. I was hoping is it open to spend the night at baker for a hunt. I am open for anyone who wishes to join me. 😀
what did you find
what did you find
I lived on the appartment side of Kurts Hall and I had sleep paralysis all the time. I didn’t have it much before or since. Also my roommate and I constently heard banging in the room next to us and we found out no one lived in that dorm.
I lived in hoddy hall on the apartment side I seen shadows go across the mirror all the time one night I took the top buck off and put in under a shelf along a brick wall and in the middle of the night an axe can fell off the shelf and hit me in the face I thought my roommate threw it at me so I told him it wasn’t cool I know he not sleeping I waited like 5 minutes and nothing I told him the next day he laughed and told me he didn’t do anything a couple weeks later I was sleeping in the same spot when I woke up to a strong perfume smell as soon as I sat up the smell disappeared and I looked around and the room was dark and nobody was even in my dorm