Guests who stay at this bed-and-breakfast have reported the light fixtures in their room shaking and apparitions appearing in the mirrors. Some guests even have been locked in the rooms.
If you've had a paranormal experience here, or have any additional information about this location, please let us know!
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 667 E 100 S
Salt Lake City, UT 84102
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 40.767579, -111.87147099999999
- County:
- Salt Lake County, Utah
- Nearest Towns:
- Salt Lake City, UT (1.1 mi.)
South Salt Lake, UT (3.5 mi.)
Willard, UT (4.6 mi.)
Canyon Rim, UT (4.9 mi.)
Centerfield, UT (5.4 mi.)
Millcreek, UT (5.6 mi.)
East Millcreek, UT (5.7 mi.)
North Salt Lake, UT (5.9 mi.)
Murray, UT (7.0 mi.)
Mount Olympus, UT (7.1 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Stayed here with my wife to celebrate our anniversary. We stayed in the March Hideaway, which we found was the maid’s quarters. Both my wife and I felt the presence of something in the room all night and I had quite the horrific experience when I was awakened in the middle of the night. I will never forget the stay here.
I stayed here a week ago on Nov 12, 2014. I was the only guest of the 13 rooms offered. I stayed on the 2nd floor in a very nice room. After a great nights sleep, I woke at 5:00 AM and was ready to leave by 5:30 AM. Because I was traveling to Reno, NV that day, I decided not to stay for breakfast and wanted to get on the road ASAP. As I was preparing to leave my room, I turned off the TV, gathered my things and opened my door to leave. After opening my door, I heard voices downstairs that I assumed was the lady who lives in 1 of the apartments in the basement and maybe the lady who checked me in the night before. I was glad somebody was awake so early so I could speak the them, explain that I didn’t need breakfast, give them my room keys, etc. As I was walking down the stairs I could still hear talking. It wasn’t necessarily women talking, just chatter. As soon as I reached the bottom of the stairs, pure silence. Not a soul around. It was dark outside (5:30 AM) and very dark on the main floor with a lamp on in the hall and one in the parlor. I had chills. I then went to the check-in desk area, wrote a note thanking them for my stay and explained I did not need breakfast and left.
I was sad to hear the Armstrong Mansion is no longer a B&B. I was an Inn keeper there for 5 yrs. Florence (Flo) was definitely still present in the house. She mostly stayed on the 3rd floor. I have many stories of guests & staff in countering her. She was a good spirit. It was a great place to work. I hope the new owners take good care of her house.