Appalachian State University - East Hall

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At Appalachian State University’s East Hall dorm, students will tell of strange footsteps, whispers, lights that suddenly turn off, and a feeling of something unseen brushing against you. The third-floor girls’ bathroom is haunted by a male ghost, and the apparition of a girl in white has been seen in several dorm rooms. Objects in some rooms also are said to have been rearranged.

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Geographic Information

401 Academy St
Boone, NC 28608
United States

Get Directions »
36.21357623589678, -81.67683881514677
Watauga County, North Carolina
Nearest Towns:
Boone, NC (0.3 mi.)
Blowing Rock, NC (5.4 mi.)
Valle Crucis, NC (5.7 mi.)
Foscoe, NC (6.1 mi.)
Seven Devils, NC (9.6 mi.)
Banner Elk, NC (11.4 mi.)
Beech Mountain, NC (11.8 mi.)
Sugar Mountain, NC (11.8 mi.)
Grandfather, NC (12.4 mi.)
Newland, NC (16.5 mi.)
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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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Comments (12)

  1. Brittney Miles  |  

    I can undoubtedly say that this dorm is haunted. I live on the third floor for a year, and have had multiple strange events with doors, rearranging/losing of items, and just eerie feelings.

    • Micael Renegar  |  

      The boy is Dean Everitt, died of gsw to head in Rm 125, 1st New, on 09-29-1977. The girl dd NOT die in East, though she lived there. She died from tainted msd in a house off campus, 04-30-1979. Due to agreement wit sister, I an ID her only as Jenny. More than 30 eyewitnesses ave picked er out of photo line ups as who they saw, including in that basement bathroom. The basement suicide is a myth..

  2. Lived in subfloor when I was a sophomore. 3 separate times while walking up the staircase between subfloor and the first floor a saw the reflection of a girl standing behind me in the window on the door to outside. Of course there was no one there when I looked. But yeah whenever I have to go down there, I avoid looking in the glass, especially at night. This is my senior year, and I live in East again, on the 1st floor. The medicine cabinet flew open one time.

      • Hi I lived in East Hall my freshman and sophomore Years in 1983-84. I’m now a psychic medium …. This place is for sure entertaining spirits. It was a hot bed for suicidal episodes; including attempts at suicide by my college roommate.

  3. i see things have not changed. I lived there in 92-94.. if you know anyone involved in the haunted house that the dorm put on in 93, ask about the bathroom..

  4. I have had several friends live in East and have very eerie experiences. One of my friends lived on the third floor right next to the girls bathroom and saw her door open (which was locked) on it’s own and felt something touch her foot. There were also numerous occasions when her things got rearranged. I also had my own experience in the girls bathroom by hearing someone talk behind me with nobody there but myself. Very eerie place to live in.

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