Legend has it that a man hanged himself years ago in this tunnel, and the hook still protrudes from which he hung his rope. Witnesses say they have seen his apparition hanging here or walking in the tunnel and heard his screams.
If you've had a paranormal experience here, or have any additional information about this location, please let us know!
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Off South End of Robin Dr
Elsmere, KY 41018
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 38.996191034111774, -84.60552531476424
- County:
- Kenton County, Kentucky
- Nearest Towns:
- Elsmere, KY (1.1 mi.)
Florence, KY (1.1 mi.)
Erlanger, KY (1.4 mi.)
Edgewood, KY (2.0 mi.)
Crestview Hills, KY (2.4 mi.)
Lakeside Park, KY (3.4 mi.)
Crescent Park, KY (3.7 mi.)
Crescent Springs, KY (4.0 mi.)
Oakbrook, KY (4.3 mi.)
Villa Hills, KY (4.7 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I went there I heard so many screams.And I also heard your next to be hanged
Ive lived in Erlager my whole life 42 years and 2 days ago was the first Ive heard of this legend,so I decided to go to the tunnel last night skeptical of course. I looked down at my phone to check the time,it was 2:22 and when I looked up I saw what appeared to be a figure at the other end of the tunnel. At this point Im pretty freakin scared but Im also pretty freakin curious so I walked up and over the tunnel to the other side ( mostly cause I was too freaked out to walk through that dark ass tunnel ).when I got just about to the other side I noticed the shadow of the figure I saw. Now I swear it looked like it was hanging and jerking or twitching almost like it just hung itself and I swear it kinda looked like there was a shadow of a rope above the body. Its no longer looking like a ghost or anything,now it looks like an actual person. I possibly just witnessed a suicide attempt so I moved more to the other side and I turned the flashlight on my phone on,and anybody that has a smart phone knows how bright those bastards are. I was in utter shock and disbelief when I saw what I saw. When you think an old,bald,homeless,smelly guy is trying to hang himself right in front of you,and hes completely clueless of your presence. This made me wonder how bad it would have to be in order for you to commit suicide. Then you notice that hes not wanting to die,he wanting to get off,oh my god the twitching was his right hand trying to finish before his oxygen is finished. Still unaware of my presence he lets out a loud proud grunt,he then says in Porky Pig voice ” Thats all folks ” only like the cartoon. After he turned right in my view and blew his nut and I saw it all in a miniature spotlight. I suddenly had the answer to the question I asked about what would make me end it. Well lets just say after he saw me I looked down at him with a totally defeated look and said ” Hey buddy are bout done with that rope?”+
Hi. My name is Mayia Kruer, and I am doing a podcast over this legend for one of my classes at the university of Kentucky. I was wondering if I could interview you for this. If you do not want your voice in the podcast that is okay.
Email me at lookingforu2222@yahoo.com
I can tell you about some experiences.
Please contact me.
I lived down there my whole life pretty much, My friends and I would go down there all the time. While I have never witness anything unusual with sight I have indeed felt uneasy like something was lingering around. When I first came apon the place a rope still hung there, Probably not the same one but we would use it to fling ourselves in the creek cause it’s really deep. Found a snapping turtle so big in there it was unreal.
Hello! My name is Mayia Kruer and I have to create a podcast to Make for one of my classes at the university of Kentucky. I decided to use this folk lore and was wondering if I could interview you about your experience.
Email me at lookingforu2222@yahoo.com
If you’re still looking for information, please contact me.
ive been down there many many times since i was 13 years old, and im now 27. as we were always told as kids , a man was jumpping trains, and got off by the tunnel. he then brutally raped and molested many children. so the parents around the area took him and hung him from the hook at the end of the tunnel. came back the next day and his body was gone. weather the rumers are true, ive heard people screaming, ive heard a child talking in the middle of the water at the end of the tunnel, and also other man/child foot prints were wet walking towards us as we were leaving. i have now formed my own paranormal investigation team and im gonna bring video evidence of this urben legend and find out exactly what happend and how many ghosts are down there. it is def haunted and im gonna figure it out soon! #KolaParanormalTV
How did i get on the team?! I’m 29 live in Florence rn & have been dying to do investigations but none of my friends are into it lol email me if you’re looking for help or something. yaboygreggy@gmail.com
Omg , couple years ago me n my girlfriend at the time went and we seen 3 to 4 kids walking we wasn’t far from them they got to the end of tunnel and turn left but when we out of the tunnel we look to the left and it was nothing but woods , thought that was werid , keep in mind I took a pic in day broad light and caught something
So me and my little brother explored this place recently I say I did hear some stuff I heard some one talk behind me but when I looked my brother was a whole 10ft away from me and that breathe felt close also I never feel uneasy but that tunnel had me on edge walking through it felt like someone or something was with me