Abington Presbyterian Church, some say, is home to a ghostly child who has been seen throught the windows. The spirit is said to linger here because the cemetery that was once on the site where the church now stands was moved across the road.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Old York Rd and Susquehanna Rd
Abington, PA
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 40.1144, -75.12299999999999
- County:
- Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
- Nearest Towns:
- Jenkintown, PA (1.3 mi.)
Glenside, PA (1.8 mi.)
Wyncote, PA (1.9 mi.)
Willow Grove, PA (2.1 mi.)
Rockledge, PA (2.9 mi.)
Oreland, PA (2.9 mi.)
Dresher, PA (3.0 mi.)
Bryn Athyn, PA (3.2 mi.)
Wyndmoor, PA (4.2 mi.)
Hatboro, PA (4.2 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I lived on rockwell rd around there off of york rd. This place has that “old” feel if you drive by. If you walk by it you feel that walking over your grave feeling. The cemetary across the street screams with awesome. A great spot for pictures.
I would be curious to know if other people had experiences who used the other facilities in the church. Years ago, I attended meetings a few times in the lower levels. I didn’t have an eerie feeling, but a heightened energy feeling. You can sense the air is different. Maybe I’m just sensitive to these things. One evening I was seated as part of a small group during the meeting. I remember I noticed a tall plastic cup on a chair seat just flip over, flipping once in the air and falling to the floor as if someone knocked it over. There were no open windows or fans blowing. It was odd the way it flipped. I kept that in mind and didn’t want to go there much after that. Also the YMCA is across the street and has a graveyard right next to it. I wonder if anything has been reported there. It is eerie seeing gravestones from the window on your way to exercise class.
If I use my gopro to take and record video can I capture a apparition or orbs with my gopro? And thank you for your post.