Abigail’s Grille and Bar - Pettibone Tavern

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This 1780 building, which now houses Abigail’s, was formerly the Pettibone Tavern for almost 200 years. Mrs. Abigail Pettibone is said to haunt the establishment. According to legend, her whaling husband was absent a lot, so Abigail took a lover. But when Capt. Pettibone came home early and found the two together, he killed them both with an axe. Her apparition has been seen by both patrons and staff, and a cold spot often appears near the second-floor ladies’ room. Some folks disagree and say the ghost is not Abigail, but that of a young child.

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Geographic Information

4 Hartford Rd
Simsbury, CT 06070
United States

Get Directions »
41.846992, -72.81060200000002
Hartford County, Connecticut
Nearest Towns:
Weatogue, CT (0.9 mi.)
Simsbury Center, CT (2.3 mi.)
West Simsbury, CT (3.0 mi.)
Canton Valley, CT (4.3 mi.)
Tariffville, CT (5.0 mi.)
Collinsville, CT (6.1 mi.)
Blue Hills, CT (6.3 mi.)
West Hartford, CT (6.8 mi.)
Salmon Brook, CT (7.6 mi.)
Windsor, CT (8.6 mi.)

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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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Comments (7)

  1. Just went there Friday night and then again on Saturday during the day. Took a ton of pictures upstairs and in lady’s bathroom but haven’t gotten a chance to review them yet. But anyway, while walking up the stairs to the upper floor, 3 women patrons were coming down the stairs. One said, “She’s up there right now.” When we finally got upstairs we spent time time probing and looking around. Suddenly I felt a horrible pressure on my chest and then so did my daughter. My 4 year old grandson was with us and he kept saying “calmly” I wanna go back downstairs. So I think there are electromagnetic fields in the place. Something wasn’t right, that’s all I have to say.

  2. I went there about 32 years ago and had dinner, it was a chart house then. The manager took upstairs to the room where she was murdered and the door swung hard on the back of my foot and I had to go to the hospital and get stitches. They blamed it on Abigail!

  3. Years ago, my cousin and I went to the restaurant to celebrate her birthday. I looked up and saw a small statue very pretty woman in a lovely green (18th century) long gown standing there smiling at me. I smiled back. My cousin asked me who I was smiling at and I saw the lady behind you. She turned around and she was gone.

  4. I had dinner there in the mid 1970s. While we were waiting for out table to be ready we saw a glass fly off the table. It was about a foot away from then edge of the table..it seemed to just jump into the air..we mentioned it our server and he just nonchalantly said. .oh yes, that’s our resident ghost mrs. Pettibone. So,.I’m a believer.

  5. My family and I went there several years back to celebrate a family birthday about 8 people in total. During dinner my mom and I needed to use the restroom, so we went upstairs together. We went into the bathroom which had if I remember correctly had two stalls. I came out and was waiting for my mom while still in the bathroom. I noticed all Old pictures in frames hanging on the walls so I was looking at them, really seemed to be drawn to one black and white one inparticular of a young girl. While standing there the air grew ice cold only around me only in the spot I was standing. I asked my mom if she felt cold and she said no. I asked her to feel the air surrounding me and she felt the iciness. And yes I looked for a vent or a/c to debunk but there was nothing. We both thought it was spooky! Once out of the bathroom and down the stairs we sat back at the table and we recounted that weird experience. But, it was upstairs in the women’s bathroom.

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