This old public pool was abandoned many years ago, left for the teens to graffiti inside. But the teens regularly report strange experiences there. They claim they hear water splashing and footsteps inside. Some accounts have said they have felt ghosts touching them. One account said that they saw a group of people swimming in the pool. They ran away, and when they came back 5 minutes later, they said the people were gone.
Submitted by Anonymous
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Telegraph and Fine
Oakville, MO
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 38.423180482261024, -90.34018698341242
- County:
- St. Louis County, Missouri
- Nearest Towns:
- Arnold, MO (2.1 mi.)
Oakville, MO (3.8 mi.)
Kimmswick, MO (4.2 mi.)
Imperial, MO (4.2 mi.)
Mehlville, MO (6.0 mi.)
Barnhart, MO (6.2 mi.)
Green Park, MO (6.9 mi.)
Concord, MO (7.1 mi.)
Columbia, IL (7.7 mi.)
Saint George, MO (8.0 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
There was never a public pool at this location. There is, however, an abandoned go-cart track.
yes there was. It was called Frankies Twin Pool. I was there many times in the late 1960s thru mid 1970s. There was pinball arcade upstairs in the 2 level building where the chain link make the barrier facing where the pool was, and concession on the lower level. There was a high dive.
No longer exists. Filled in by church for a parking lot
The go cart track is closer to the river. It was a public pool for years. They had to many accidents and closed it.
this was demolished about a week ago 🙁
oh my god my friend and i went there before we were young teenager back 1980 or 1985 we walk thur those building he hread it splash i ask him what he hread about it he said water splash i did not hearing anything cuz im hard of hearig so we freask out we left there
Has anyone experienced anything in the Design Haus on Front St.?
yes. i went there for spring break and i thought it would be a “fun family outing”. i never went there again
I used to live in a subdivision within a couple miles of this place in Arnold, and I remember it was my first Urbex location. My brother, best friend, and I parked down behind the track and hopped the fence, and walked across to check out the pool house. We weren’t really prepared to do much so we didn’t explore too deep into the building but I remember we went around the front and up to the top and my best friend, and I’m sure he still has it to this day, found a fucking fire axe when we went up the concrete stairs to the second level. It was when we were on our way down did we see someone pulling across the street because we’d apparently been seen and the 3 of us took off. We’re still not sure if they were the cops or what but we’re pretty damn sure we were followed and I remember we got to the backroad and kept as quiet as we could till we got back to the car. Nothing outright paranormal… we did hear what sounded like go-carts at one point but we were pretty sure it was just people on motorcycles somewhere nearby. A bit of a shame that it’s gone now.
I went there and my sanity was going away slowly I was hearing footsteps, splashing; I had to flee cause something began to chase me I was hearing running after me and I ran off they kept following me to my car till I drove off
yes. i went there for spring break and i thought it would be a “fun family outing”. i never went there again
I worked at Frankie’s twin pools back in 1978 and 1979 as a life guard, swimming teacher and an assistant pool manager. We only had one pool open back then. Many happy memories, even rescued a couple of young kids. Hope their lives have been happy!