Abandoned Butcher's Shop

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Not much info on this, apart from the fact that it is an old, abandoned butcher’s shop on the side of this dirt road, about 1.5 miles south from Fletcher Road. See map for precise location. Locals get an eerie feeling around this building.

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Geographic Information

Jackson Military Road
Russellville, AL
United States

Get Directions »
34.46605639808494, -87.75624020399846
Franklin County, Alabama
Nearest Towns:
Russellville, AL (3.3 mi.)
Spruce Pine, AL (5.4 mi.)
Belgreen, AL (6.3 mi.)
Phil Campbell, AL (8.4 mi.)
Littleville, AL (9.7 mi.)
Bear Creek, AL (13.6 mi.)
Hodges, AL (13.7 mi.)
Hackleburg, AL (13.7 mi.)
Littleville, AL (18.1 mi.)
Haleyville, AL (18.3 mi.)
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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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  1. Taylor Burkhakter  |  

    Today me and my dad went to check out this abandoned butcher’s shop, nothing happened, I didn’t even have a creepy feeling or anything like that. Not saying it’s not haunted, but there was no activity when we was there.

    We got permission from the guy that leased the land to look around. The building itself is very small, two rooms one room slightly bigger than the other. The building is falling apart, and there is wood chips and little bits of wool all over the floor. There is cans lying on the ground around the building, and what apears to be part of an old tracter motor. There is some other old metal scrap laying around.

    Also when we was searching around, we discovered an old house on the other side of the road. We couldn’t explore it as we did not yet have permission to go on the other part of the land.

    Sadly I completely forgot to take a picture, but since we have permission to explore the area I might be able to get a picture some other time. But it might be a while.

    • its there.i got a demonic attachment from there when i was 14.but the house by the butcher shop was falling in but still standing.when that house was standing there was a burnt wiji board in it and pentagrams spray painted on the walls.it took 2 years before the attachment stopped…now it is private property and owners do not want people on the property

  2. the 1st times i went there i felt like somebody was staring at me while i was on the property.but nobody was there.myself and my friend (still a russellville resident) went inside the home beside the butcher shop.it had a upstairs.i walked up the stairs.they were falling in at the time.we were both terrified.it did not feel rite in there..(now only a slab remains)- we both heard a sound…hard to describe.like bells..that there was no explanation for.we ran out.left.never came back…but after that is when my demonic attachment began.it would wake me at 3:33 am.every night for 2 years.i even moved and it followed me..it would pull my legs,yank my covers off.at 1st.then it started showing itself as a shadow figure.blacker than black.tall.7 ft.red glowing eyes.this is no joke.i would not go there…i never will again….but there is history there…that house was used for devil worship at some point.but before that i found out that that is really part of what was old Jackson st.when it was settled in the 1800s.indians were mad.they killed many that attempted to settle that area.so its possible this land was cursed.also i found out the man that owned the butcher shop/blocks still stand,was also a doctor and i have heard that he haunts that location or did…

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