Legend has it that this 1914 home, called the Capo House, is haunted by a ghostly lady who is stuck on the first floor because she is unable to climb the stairs. Builder Fred Capo and his wife Lottie are said to have died in the house.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 24 Cincinnati Avenue
St. Augustine, FL
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 29.902021392005807, -81.318150892821
- County:
- St. Johns County, Florida
- Nearest Towns:
- Saint Augustine, FL (0.6 mi.)
Villano Beach, FL (2.7 mi.)
Saint Augustine South, FL (4.1 mi.)
Saint Augustine Beach, FL (4.8 mi.)
Saint Augustine Shores, FL (6.3 mi.)
Butler Beach, FL (7.8 mi.)
Crescent Beach, FL (10.0 mi.)
Hastings, FL (17.1 mi.)
Marineland, FL (17.3 mi.)
Palm Valley, FL (19.5 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
The ghost in 24 Cincinnati is likely that of one of the former owners, Edna Perrow. Ms. Perrow lived in the home in the late 1970s and early 1980s and died there at age 81. Shortly after the sale of the house by Ms. Perrow’s family, the new owners began reporting that their young daughter would talk about being visited by an elderly lady. Consistent with reports that the ghost was trapped on the first floor, Ms. Perrow was in frail health when she lived there and could not ascend the steps to the upper floor. Ms. Perrow was a kind, gentle Southern woman who moved from to Florida from Virginia in the 1940s. Although a devout Methodist, she was fascinated by the paranormal and loved to tell ghost stories from her native Shenandoah Valley.
You have some misinformation. Edna Perrow is my mother. She was not trapped on the first floor. Her bedroom was one of the two bedrooms on the first floor ant the last few months of her life she did go upstairs. She died in the downstairs bedroom. Mother was very sensitive. When she was having heart related surgery my cousin Eddy was staying at the house with her little dog. The dog started baking at something in the next room Eddy looked and saw a shadow passing through the room.
I lived there for several years with my family. Happy place, many Bible studies and dinners and get togethers with friends. No ghosts, just a beautiful, peaceful, one of a kind old house we had the privilege to live in.