Old Hospital
Alice, Texas
This hospital is now closed, but when it was open there were claims of call bells ringing on their own on the second floor, even when they were unplugged. Since its closing some residents swear they hear moaning coming from the building, and lights flickering in the windows. In more ...
Alice Lake
Alice, Texas
Local legend tells of a little girl who drowned here. Witnesses on the pier have heard her crying for help, seen orbs of light, and felt cold spots.
Old Rialto Theater
Alice, Texas
The theater closed in the 1980s, but employees there claimed to see shadowy apparitions in the halls and described an eerie feeling of being watched by a presence in the upper levels.
Sutherlands Lumber
Alice, Texas
The site was formerly a Wal-Mart, where a ghost they called Matilde or Matilda liked to play pranks on the employees, damaging merchandise and causing accidents. The building is said to be on the site of the Collins Family homestead, the family who founded the town of Alice. The Old ...