Haunted Places in Muscoy, California

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    Rialto Historical Society

    Rialto, California

    3.9 miles from Muscoy, CA

    Back when the building served as a schoolhouse, the ashes of a little girl was buried there. She has been seen on several occasions on the second floor of the building, looking out of the windows into the street. The ghost a woman in a white dress frequents the stairway, ...

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    California Theatre

    San Bernardino, California

    4.3 miles from Muscoy, CA

    None other than Will Rogers is believed to haunt California Theatre. Why? It's the venue where he made his last performance before he died in a plane crash. Those in the know say Rogers' ghost haunts a practice room that's always cold, and his apparition has been seen through its ...

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    Devore Gravity Hill

    San Bernardino, California

    5.6 miles from Muscoy, CA

    To get to this gravity hill, follow Glen Helen Road until you pass two consecutive railroad tracks. When you pass a third set, go past the stop sign that's about 100 hundred feet ahead and stop on the line. If you put the car in neutral, it should roll uphill, ...

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    Agua Mansa Pioneer Cemetery

    Colton, California

    7.8 miles from Muscoy, CA

    As locals it, many years ago a beautiful lady drowned her six children, and she now haunts the who stretch of the road around Agua Mansa Pioneer Cemetery. She is known in Hispanic legend as La Llorona, or the Weeping Woman, doomed to roam in search of the children she ...

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    Foothill Boulevard

    Fontana, California

    8 miles from Muscoy, CA

    Once a part of Route 66, the boulevard is haunted by the ghost of a young man in a striped shirt carrying a long stick, thought by some to be a buggy whip. The ghost crosses the street as cars approach, and then disappears. He is sometimes accompanied by a ...

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    Green Acres Cemetery

    Bloomington, California

    8.4 miles from Muscoy, CA

    Legend has it that on Halloween every year, blood appears on the table between the three marble chairs in the graveyard's southeast part.

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    Pinnacle Peak Steak House

    Colton, California

    8.8 miles from Muscoy, CA

    Just before the entrance of the women's restroom, on the wall is a hand print believed to be of a young girl who would eat there in the early 70"s until her death in 1974.. employees have cleaned,sanded the hand print... once gone it reappears as if by magic. (Submitted by ...

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    Barton Mansion

    Redlands, California

    10.3 miles from Muscoy, CA

    The Barton Mansion, built by Dr. Ben Barton in the 1860s, is a location made infamous in a video shot by a group of paranormal investigators in the early 2000s. The video depicted a demon or ghost emerging from a room in the then abandoned building. Whether or not the ...

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    Bracken Fern Manor

    Lake Arrowhead, California

    10.7 miles from Muscoy, CA

    Bugsy Siegel used to stay here back when the building was still relatively new. Along with him were many prostitutes, gamblers, and other people with crime connections. It's said that some of those people still remain and can be found upstairs or in the tunnel connecting it to the Tudor ...

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    Saddleback Inn

    Lake Arrowhead, California

    11 miles from Muscoy, CA

    An 8 year-old girl named Hanna died here and is said to be found in Room 33. She plays with electrical obejcts (lights, TV, etc.), flush toilets, and move objects around. (Submitted by Chris Berglund)

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  • Haunted Houses of Pasadena
    Michael J. Kouri
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    Morey Mansion

    Redlands, California

    11.1 miles from Muscoy, CA

    The Morey Mansion was built in 1890 by David and Sarah Morey, and it is said that both of them remain in the house today. Reports say Sarah died a tragic death and her husband committed suicide shortly thereafter, in 1901. The house became a bed-and-breakfast in 1985. Ghost-hunting teams ...

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    Mission Inn

    Riverside, California

    12 miles from Muscoy, CA

    This hotel is awesome. If you are interested in amazing architecture, stairways that descend to nowhere, towers, flying buttresses, and just a constant feeling of "this place was designed by a madman" the Mission Inn is definitely a place that you must visit. Quite probably one of the most interesting ...

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    Mount Rubidoux

    Riverside, California

    12.1 miles from Muscoy, CA

    Along this area, human-like shadows can be seen roaming the hills. (Submitted by Chris)

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    Evergreen Cemetery

    Riverside, California

    12.3 miles from Muscoy, CA

    A green, glowing mist is sometimes seen. Ghosts of those who died during the influenza epidemic of the early 20th century will manifest on camera or through EVP. (Submitted by Chris Berglund)

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    Fieldmoore Estate

    Redlands, California

    12.4 miles from Muscoy, CA

    Built in 1906 in the middle of Mira Flores Park by builder Davis Donald for Mr. and Mrs. Kirke Field. Both had moved West due to suffering from 'Consumption' (Tuberculosis). They met at a sanitarium in Colorado and were friends of Doc Holiday. Mrs. Field died shortly after the mansion ...

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    Prospect Park

    Redlands, California

    12.7 miles from Muscoy, CA

    Prospect Park is one of the oldest and largest parks in Redlands CA. The land was given to the city as an 80th birthday present. It was originally owned by 2 of Redlands co-founders in the 1800's. The park owes its name to a small hotel that was built on ...

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    Riverside City College

    Riverside, California

    12.8 miles from Muscoy, CA

    Doors opening and closing on their own. Ghost of a man in a suit roaming the Quad building. Doors slamming and mysterious voices heard in the Theater. Ghosts in the parking garage and the ghost of a woman in the lower parking lot near the Automotive Building. Multiple Class ...

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    Molly's Souper

    Upland, California

    17.9 miles from Muscoy, CA

    This old-fashioned establishment is located in a 1912 historic mansion, formerly owned by a local citrus grower and his wife. The apparition of a gentleman has been seen on the front porch of the building, and there are reports of poltergeist activity in the dining room and kitchen. (Submitted by ...

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    452 AMDS Bldg 2300

    March Air Reserve Base, California

    18.6 miles from Muscoy, CA

    On several occasions I have personally experienced paranormal activity in our bldg. It used to be a tuberculosis ward for children. I am usually the last one to leave the bldg for the day and must ensure all the clinic doors are locked. One night I was locking up and ...

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    Beverly Hotel

    Ontario, California

    18.7 miles from Muscoy, CA

    At this site used to stand the Beverly Hotel; reports are unclear as to what stands here now. At the Beverly, shadows were seen in the southwest 2nd floor corner window, and visitors heard footsteps and fire alarms. Also reported were flickering lights and cold spots.

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    Castle Park

    Riverside, California

    18.7 miles from Muscoy, CA

    A ghostly lady in a white dress and another apparition on a balcony above the Plaza Café have been reported. Also, Native American apparitions have been seen near the railroad tracks and doors have been known to close by themselves. The apparition of a fire burning in one corner has ...

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    Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden

    Claremont, California

    21.4 miles from Muscoy, CA

    The ghost of a young Native American girl is said to sit by a pond, crying and watching the fish. Cold spots and sudden gusts of wind also have been reported in the area.

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    Oak Park Cemetery

    Montclair, California

    21.4 miles from Muscoy, CA

    There have been sightings of small grey apparitions running around at night. They have been known to attack people. Hologram People have also been seen by me. I have also recorded many EVPs. Winged apparitions were caught on video behind a tombstone of a gargoyle. I also have video of ...

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    Thompson Creek Trail

    Claremont, California

    21.7 miles from Muscoy, CA

    Thompson Creek Trail is said to be haunted. Visitors say they have seen shadowy figures following them and heard the crackling of branches, footsteps, and scratching noises. It is also reported that the clouds above seem to form the shapes of skulls. Some witnesses have seen bizarre visions that include ...

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    Griswold's Old School House

    Claremont, California

    21.8 miles from Muscoy, CA

    Although the building has been made into several shops, it once was Griswold's Old School House. The disembodied voices of ghost children have been heard, and a white mist has been reported as well. Doors will fly open for no apparent reason, and many witnesses have described a feeling that ...

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    Marie Callender's

    Corona, California

    22.4 miles from Muscoy, CA

    Marie Callender's restaurant is believed to be haunted. Witnesses have described objects such as a metal pie cutter flying off a shelf and salt and pepper shakers that filled themselves. Strange sounds, floating orbs and electrical appliances turning on and off also have been reported. A worker shampooing the carpet ...

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    Antique Row

    Pomona, California

    24.1 miles from Muscoy, CA

    Most of the antique stores here are very old and contain a variety of spirits that said to be attached to the items sold here. Others ghosts freely roam around, particularly in the underground levels of some of these stores. (Submitted by Chris Berglund)

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    The Oak Tree

    Yucaipa, California

    24.8 miles from Muscoy, CA

    This location has been a popular teen hangout spot for decades. Locals know it as "The Oak Tree." The tree covers some old stone ruins which are now heavily covered in graffiti and refuse. Mostly used for drinking and doing drugs, but several bodies have been discovered ...

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    Jicarilla Road

    Apple Valley, California

    25.4 miles from Muscoy, CA

    Some say the shape of a man can be running across Jicarilla Road very quickly. It may start chasing witnesses, and then suddenly vanish.

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    J.J. Live Oak Steakhouse - Rockefellas Bar

    Corona, California

    25.8 miles from Muscoy, CA

    Once J.J. Live Oak Steakhouse and El Cerrito Inn and now Rockefellas Bar, the place is said to be haunted. Local legend tells of a 1988 waitress who was strangled and left in the trunk of a car behind the inn. Her ghost is said to flush toilets near closing ...

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    Hells Gate

    Corona, California

    26.5 miles from Muscoy, CA

    Up in the hills of corona on a dead end street there is an old signal tower. Past that, a small trail leads you to a walkway and a burn site. The story is... there was a house that stood there in the 80’s. Two parents lived there along ...

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    Pinnacle Peak Steakhouse

    San Dimas, California

    26.8 miles from Muscoy, CA

    The ghost who reaides at this eatery is said to be a little girl, possibly Native American, who grabs servers' trays and knocks over glasses and other objects.

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    Raging Waters

    San Dimas, California

    27 miles from Muscoy, CA

    The water park Raging Waters is said to be haunted. Witnesses say phones have rung throughout the night, mostly coming from Wave Cove. Security guards have heard footsteps, the voice of a girl asking for help or something calling their names in the food court. The hauntings are said to ...

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    Chino Hills Aerojet Facility

    Chino Hills, California

    27 miles from Muscoy, CA

    Many people have reported a green mist near this empty facility. Another person took a photograph around this area only to have a little girl show up when the photographer was alone. (Submitted by Chris Berglund)

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    Sunnyslope Cemetery

    Beaumont, California

    27 miles from Muscoy, CA

    At Sunnyslope Cemetery, witnesses have reported cold spots, strange noises, uneasy feelings, and touches from an unseen hand. Perhaps even more intriguing is a ghostly groundskeeper said to disappear into a shed.

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    El Evado Road

    Victorville, California

    27.1 miles from Muscoy, CA

    Along this stretch of road, dozens of people have lost their lives. One of the most famous cases along this road involves a little girl who is seen walking around. Other cases involve people walking or standing around who immediately vanish. One team of investigators picked up an EVP of ...

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    Captain's Anchorage

    Big Bear Lake, California

    27.1 miles from Muscoy, CA

    The ghost of a man named George has been seen here; it is said he was an embezzler who either killed himself or was murdered. Other than George, three other ghosts are said to be here. The activity includes full-bodied apparitions, beer bottles being thrown, lights flickering, footsteps, and other ...

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    San Dimas - Extended Stay Hotel

    San Dimas, California

    27.3 miles from Muscoy, CA

    Rumor has it that room 130 is haunted by the ghost of a man who committed suicide there.

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    Payless ShoeSource

    Banning, California

    27.9 miles from Muscoy, CA

    Some say the ghost of a little boy appears in the Payless breakroom. So his story goes, he badly wanted a pair of shoes but his mother said no. Upset, he ran out of the store and was struck by a car and died.

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    South Mount Hawkins

    Azusa, California

    28.8 miles from Muscoy, CA

    Occultists started a fire on this mountain back in 2002. Animals that were sacrificed are said to be seen here, but evil spirits from another realm could have also been brought here through ritual. Submitted by Chris Berglund

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    Carbon Canyon Road

    Brea, California

    29.2 miles from Muscoy, CA

    Many accidents have occurred on this stretch of road. The ghosts here are said to include a police officer, a man who died near Carbon Canyon Creek, a woman who stares at the water (who can be found near Brea), and other bloody and decaying figures. (Submitted by Chris Berglund)

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    Bennett Home

    Glendora, California

    29.9 miles from Muscoy, CA

    The Bennett Home was purchased by the DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) in 1982. Rumor has it that the apparition of a woman appeared at the DAR's first monthly tea in the house. The ghost was determined to be a former resident who lived in the home around 1910.

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    George Air Force Base

    Victorville, California

    30.1 miles from Muscoy, CA

    Once an air force base from World War II to the early 1990's, the area has since been abandoned. Curious investigators should wear masks considering this place contains many toxic materials around, but many EVPs are captured here as well as strange figures on video and camera. (Submitted by Chris Berglund)

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    Horse Thief Canyon

    Corona, California

    30.7 miles from Muscoy, CA

    Behind the neighborhood is a wooded area with a trail hidden somewhere among it. The trail supposedly leads to a water tower where shadows run around and ghostly footsteps can be heard. Another figure is known as the blonde lady who will pass by in the distance or follow you ...

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    Yorba Regional Park

    Anaheim, California

    31.2 miles from Muscoy, CA

    I never would've suspected this area of being haunted. It's a shady area at nighttime. There's a lot of shadow that follow you; sometimes they're living, other times they aren't. When I was part of a ghost hunting team, we had nothing to do one night so we went here; ...

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    Yorba Cemetery - Pink Lady

    Yorba Linda, California

    32.1 miles from Muscoy, CA

    The Pink Lady at Yorba Family Cemetery is a ghost who is believed to appear at night on June 15 every other year. Legend has it that on her prom night, she and her boyfriend were killed nearby by a train. She is said to have been wearing a pink ...

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    Yorba Linda Tunnels

    Yorba Linda, California

    32.4 miles from Muscoy, CA

    The sewer system here has a reputation for its eerie vibe. People who wander in it will see shadows, see faces, or hear odd voices. Enter this place at your own risk because if caught, you will be fined for trespassing. (Submitted by Chris Berglund)

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    First Baptist Church of Yorba Linda

    Yorba Linda, California

    32.4 miles from Muscoy, CA

    Supposedly, there are some children here that play around. Cold spots have been detected, the sense of being watched while being alone comes up at times, and EVP recordings have been captured. (Submitted by Chris)

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    Black Star Canyon

    Silverado, California

    32.7 miles from Muscoy, CA

    There are reports of paranormal activity stemming from an Indian massacre that occurred here in 1831. There are also many other urban legends surrounding this canyon. Some are not paranormal but involve things such as a homeless man who will chase you away with a gun, and cults that perform ...

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    Galster Park

    West Covina, California

    32.7 miles from Muscoy, CA

    Galster Park is the centerpiece of some legends concerning a murderer and rapist whose victims were children. Screams and pleading children's voices are said to be heard late at night. Apparitions of scarred children are said to roam here as well.

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