Hotel Iowa
Keokuk, Iowa
3.7 miles from Warsaw, IL
This historic hotel was built in the early twentieth century for workers constructing a nearby lock for the town dam. And according to some reports by guests, they may have never left. Ghostly music, disembodied footsteps, screams and a male apparition in workman clothes have all been reported by staff. ...
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220 North 4th - Keokuk
Keokuk, Iowa
3.9 miles from Warsaw, IL
Built by businessman Enos H. Harrison in 1857, this house is reported to be the home of a friendly ghost, according to many witnesses who have seen and heard the spirit.
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Vishnu Springs
Colchester, Illinois
28.9 miles from Warsaw, IL
Back in the 1880s, the strange-tasting water at Vishnu Springs, named after a Hindu god, was thought to have healing properties. Holiness Camp Meetings of folks who wanted to partake of the magical waters drew 3,000 people to the area, and a town was formed. Witnesses say the area is ...
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Mason House Inn and Caboose Cottage
Keosauqua, Iowa
33.5 miles from Warsaw, IL
This historic 1846 hotel was also a stop on the Underground Railroad, and several spirits are living here. In Room 5, the ghost of a young boy pulls on people's clothing at night. His apparition has been seen on the landing. In Room 7, a man named Knapp was murdered, ...
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Mason House Inn and Caboose Cottage
Keosauqua, Iowa
33.5 miles from Warsaw, IL
This historic 1846 hotel was also a stop on the Underground Railroad, and several spirits are living here. In Room 5, the ghost of a young boy pulls on people's clothing at night. His apparition has been seen on the landing. In Room 7, a man named Knapp was murdered, ...
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Burlington National Guard Armory
Burlington, Iowa
33.6 miles from Warsaw, IL
Horses' hooves and footsteps can be heard late at night, doors open and close by themselves, and one witness reported seeing a reflection of a man with a handlebar mustache in a computer screen, but when he turned around, no one was there.
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The Drake Bar and Restaurant
Burlington, Iowa
35.8 miles from Warsaw, IL
This upscale restaurant is housed in a historic building, and staff and diners report that the women's restroom is haunted by a lady in an old-fashioned dress, who has been known to walk through the walls. (Submitted by Callum Swift)
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Highway 34 Ghost
Burlington, Iowa
35.9 miles from Warsaw, IL
The ghost who walks along the highway at night is said to be an escaped slave who died in the 1860s of diptheria and was buried in the basement of a nearby home. He carries a leather bag and walks westward on the north side of the road between 1 ...
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Birthday Bridge - Giblin Bridge
Mount Pleasant, Iowa
39.1 miles from Warsaw, IL
This spot, near where Kentucky Avenue and US 218 meet, is said to be haunted by a local girl who hanged herself from the bridge after having an affair with a married doctor. The day she died was also her birthday. Legend has it that her ghost can be seen ...
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Western Illinois University
Macomb, Illinois
40.2 miles from Warsaw, IL
Lingering spirits are many at this university! Bayliss Hall, room 1117, is haunted by a former occupant who delivered a baby in secret, threw it down the trash chute, then hung herself in the closet. Cries and moans can be heard in her room. In room 501, a severely depressed ...
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Super 8 Macomb
Macomb, Illinois
40.8 miles from Warsaw, IL
This Super 8 has been the site of numerous strange happenings. Witnesses say the lights and air conditioning will turn on and off by themselves, doors will open on their own, and mysterious whistling can be heard. Clerks have experienced electrical malfunctions with the phone, such as all the lines ...
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Hotel Baring
Edina, Missouri
41.4 miles from Warsaw, IL
This historic hotel is believed to be haunted, and was formerly a railroad stopover during the early twentieth century era. The building is believed to be haunted by several apparitions, who are believed to be associated the building as it changed hands and uses over the many years of its ...
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Stony Hollow Road
Burlington, Iowa
42.6 miles from Warsaw, IL
Spooky tales told here revolve around a ghost named Lucinda. She is said to have committed suicide by jumping off a cliff when her beloved failed to meet her to run away together. There are many reports of people seeing the ghost. Local urban legend also says that if you ...
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Lula Belle's
Hannibal, Missouri
44.9 miles from Warsaw, IL
This one-time bordello opened in 1917, and is now a bed-and-breakfast and restaurant. The haunts here are known to move or throw things in the kitchen, or twist utensils into pretzels. They show themselves as orbs, shadows or mirror reflections, and can be heard as footsteps or disembodied voices. A ...
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Garden House Bed & Breakfast
Hannibal, Missouri
45 miles from Warsaw, IL
Garden House Bed & Breakfast is a stop on the Haunted Hannibal Ghost Tour, and folks who have stayed here have reported some very odd things. According to reports from the hotel staff, most incidents occur between 2 and 3 a.m.
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Garth Woodside Mansion
Hannibal, Missouri
47.7 miles from Warsaw, IL
This inn, built originally in 1871, is known for its connection with renowned author Mark Twain. Personal friends of the owners, the author would send them his books and stay there when he was in town. Folks believe his ghost still visits the place, especially the room that was named ...
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Top of the Rock Grille
Fairfield, Iowa
52.7 miles from Warsaw, IL
The origin of the hauntings at this restaurant is uncertain. What IS certain, is that it's haunted. Witnesses have seen objects moving by themselves in the kitchen and heard whispering and voices in the bathrooms. They have also heard the sound of people walking on the upper floors when no ...
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Hotel Wapello
Wapello, Iowa
58.2 miles from Warsaw, IL
The old-fashioned hotel, furnished with original antiques, used to be a schoolhouse and a law office. In 1906 the place became the Commercial Hotel, which became the premier place to stay in town after their main rival burnt to the ground. Now a bed and breakfast inn, the place ...
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Mars Hill Church
Bloomfield, Iowa
61.1 miles from Warsaw, IL
This old log cabin church is actually a restoration using salvaged timber from vintage barns. The church had been in existence from 1856 til 2006 when some dirtbag arsonist decided to burn the place to the ground. Rumors of it being haunted however have become something of local ...
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Friendly Cafe
Abingdon, Illinois
62.4 miles from Warsaw, IL
The café is rumoured to be haunted. Employees have been touched by unseen hands, and a woman in a long dress appeared to a former owner in the main kitchen. (Submitted by Callum Swift)
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East Otto Cemetery
Lewistown, Illinois
64.8 miles from Warsaw, IL
Local legend has it that the specters of two headless women can be seen at this cemetery late at night, screaming as they're being chased by an axe-wielding maniac. No word on exactly how a headless woman is supposed to be able to scream, but you know, details, details...
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Mercer County Courthouse
Aledo, Illinois
68.3 miles from Warsaw, IL
The courthouse building dates back to the 1890's, and in the 1930's a skeleton was removed from the basement when the interior was remodelled. Ever since, staff have reported hearing footsteps after the courthouse has been locked up for the night, and a woman leaving the building in the ...
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Hotel Ottumwa
Ottumwa, Iowa
68.5 miles from Warsaw, IL
An apparition of a lady in white haunts the hotel basement, which formerly served as a ballroom. The ghost of a man in a suit haunts the hallways of the hotel. Strange noises and voices have been heard. The face of a man has also been seen in the hotel ...
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Ottumwa Cemetery
Ottumwa, Iowa
69.1 miles from Warsaw, IL
Night visitors to the cemetery have seen shadowed figures sitting on tombstones or running behind trees, and heard whispering and footsteps in the grass. There has also been reported a white cat who will run in circles around your feet, and then vanish.
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Lawford Theatre
Havana, Illinois
72.3 miles from Warsaw, IL
Folks who have visited or worked at the Lawford Theatre have seen faces appear in photographs and have felt cold chills behind the curtains on opening nights.
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Greenwood Cemetery
Muscatine, Iowa
75.7 miles from Warsaw, IL
The Blue Angel is a statue with a legend. Reports say that back in the 1950s, she was thought of as the benevolent spirit of the cemetery, protecting it from vandals. Sometime since then, tales about her have become more sinister. She is said to have once held a rose; ...
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Illinois College
Jacksonville, Illinois
76.3 miles from Warsaw, IL
Illinois College, founded in 1829, is rumored to have several haunted buildings. Among them are Sturtevant Hall and Beecher Hall, where folks have reported apparitions, footsteps, and other noises. Beecher Hall, according to campus talk, was formerly a medical building and the top floor was a space for storing cadavers. ...
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Riverside Cemetery
Riverside, Iowa
78.3 miles from Warsaw, IL
It is said that many pairs of glowing eyes, belonging to the many graveyard spirits, can be seen by those who drive past.
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Clubb House Restaurant
Sigourney, Iowa
78.4 miles from Warsaw, IL
Lots of orbs and ghosts, pans falling off shelves! Customers feeling people touching them. (Submitted by Debbie and Justin)
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Centerville Railroad Tracks
Centerville, Iowa
79.1 miles from Warsaw, IL
Local legend sayd that if you park your car on these railroad tracks and shut it off, an unseen force will push you off the tracks. Reports say you can hear footsteps in the gravel while the spirits of children are pushing your car.
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Eldred House
Warsaw, Illinois
86.5 miles from Warsaw, IL
The 23-room James J. Eldred House was completed in 1861, and was the setting for some sad events. All three Eldred daughters died of tuberculosis here: Alma, 4, in 1861; Alice, 17, in 1870; and Eva, 17, in 1876. A traveling salesman is said to have passed away here as ...
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Watt's Antiques and Collectables
Iowa City, Iowa
89.6 miles from Warsaw, IL
This address, at the corner of Muscatine Ave. and Dearborn Rd., is now an antique store that is rumored rumored to be haunted. People are said to have heard footsteps, voices, seen apparitions, and felt patches of paranormal feelings (ex. cold spots, uncomfortable feelings...) A great place to visit for ...
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Slater Hall - University of Iowa
University Heights, Iowa
89.9 miles from Warsaw, IL
It is reported that on the ninth floor a student once jumped to his death. Students say his ghost roams the halls carrying an ax, and footsteps and screams may be heard at night.
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Julia Markham - Death Curve
Cambridge, Illinois
89.9 miles from Warsaw, IL
Locals say that a woman wearing a white flowing gown glides across the field on quiet nights. It is said she is the spirit of Julia Markham, who in 1905 killed her 7 children with an ax and then set her house on fire, killing herself.
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Currier Hall - University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa
90.5 miles from Warsaw, IL
Students like to tell of a triple suicide that occurred on the 4th floor. The reason? Three roommates fell in love with the same man. It is said that if roommates get into arguments, their ghosts will step in to restore harmony. Rumor also has it that the ghost of ...
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Black Angel - Oakland Cemetery
Iowa City, Iowa
90.7 miles from Warsaw, IL
Strange phenomona occur here, seemingly revolving around two statues: the Black Angel and a young girl set on a pedestal. Folks have reported seeing strange lights and the Angel walking about as a glowing shape. It is said that the little girl statue will pick out one member of a ...
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Lee-Baker-Hodges House
Carrollton, Illinois
91.1 miles from Warsaw, IL
Built in the early 1830s, the historic mansion fell into disrepair in the 1970s and was saved by preservationists. It is sometimes open to the public for pre-scheduled nighttime paranormal investigation and history tours. A ghost child is said to reside in one of the bedrooms, and another child's ghost ...
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Scott City Hall
Davenport, Iowa
92.1 miles from Warsaw, IL
An imposing building with a bell tower just begs to have a good ghost story associated with it, and this city hall building is no exception. People claim to see the ghost of a hanged man in the tower at night, allegedly from prisoners who were illegally hanged there. ...
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Hotel Blackhawk
Davenport, Iowa
92.1 miles from Warsaw, IL
This place has undergone extensive renovation since almost burning down in a fire started by a meth lab operating out of the eighth floor in 2006. Could meth fumes, seeping through the walls account for the reports of ghosts? Cary Grant suffered his fatal stroke on the eighth floor ...
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Masonic Temple
Davenport, Iowa
92.3 miles from Warsaw, IL
A wide assortment of haunted activity is claimed to occur at this former masonic temple. These phenomena include disembodied voices carrying on a conversation, noises without a recognizable source such as footsteps when there is no one seen, names being called when there is no one present, etc. Objects ...
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Phi Kappa Chi
Davenport, Iowa
92.3 miles from Warsaw, IL
This fraternity house has a haunt of its own, the apparition of a large man who enters at the front door and walks up the stairs to the front bedroom. He wears an overcoat with the collar turned up. Student lore says that the apparition belongs to a homeless man ...
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Palmer College of Chiropractic
Davenport, Iowa
92.5 miles from Warsaw, IL
There is a lecture hall, built in the 1800s, that is said to be haunted by ghosts who fly around the ceiling, making the hanging lamps sway. It is said that there are no air vents, fans, or windows of any sort placed in such a way that would cause ...
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Alice French House
Davenport, Iowa
92.6 miles from Warsaw, IL
This historic mansion was the residence of the notable writer, who spent her years throughout here during the warmer months. Her father, the town mayor, originally owned the house, and it may be his spirit that is often reported here by visitors. Witnesses claim to have seen a distinguished ...
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Ambrose Hall
Davenport, Iowa
92.9 miles from Warsaw, IL
At this hall in St. Ambrose University, witnesses have reported hearing strange noises and footsteps late at night. They have also seen flickering lights. Some attribute the occurrences to the spirit of an old priest who died many years ago.
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Central Avenue Ghost
Bettendorf, Iowa
94.6 miles from Warsaw, IL
The spirit of a middle-aged washerwoman haunts the area with her wooden washtub. She has been reported since the late 1800s, but some say she upgraded her equipment and sometimes appears with a double-wringer washing machine.
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Greencastle Cemetery
North Liberty, Iowa
98.5 miles from Warsaw, IL
Something eerie may be going on in this old cemetery. Even though no one has been buried here for a long time, reports say the earth looks freshly dug up. Tombstones are said to move about, and some have seen a teenage witch dressed in black with long, dark hair. ...
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Machinist's Hall
Conroy, Iowa
99 miles from Warsaw, IL
This meetinghouse was once a school, and it is said to be haunted by flickering lights in the night. Voices have been heard behind the building, as well. Note: Some Internet sites mistakenly call it "Mechanists Hall."
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Mary Wright - Granny Sprague Cemetery
Homestead, Iowa
100.1 miles from Warsaw, IL
The ghost of Mary Wright, a child of 6 who died in 1854, appears as a pale blue light over her grave, some say. She is said to appear during the final minute of each year.
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Indian Dam - Indian Fish Trap State Preserve
Homestead, Iowa
100.7 miles from Warsaw, IL
The restless spirits of the Sauk Nation people who build the dam are said to haunt this area during full moons. The sounds of chanting and drums have been heard.
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Cheney Mansion
Jerseyville, Illinois
103.6 miles from Warsaw, IL
Numerous reports of ghosts include the apparition of Miss Dorothy, a former nursemaid who roams the hallways and the bedroom bearing her name. Reports of people hearing talking upstairs, like women holding a conversation. Sounds of dining room chairs moving, like somebody's pulling out the chairs getting ready to sit ...
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Echoes from the Grave: Exploring the Mysteries of the Supernatural in Illinois, Indiana and Kansas
Larry Wilson
Ghosts of Springfield and Southern Illinois & Other Haunted Tales from the Prairie State
Rachel Brooks Posadas
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