The Waverly is haunted by the ghost of a young girl who is apparently searching for her mother and also by a man in military uniform who is prone to appearing in mirrors. Objects move of their own accord.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 1852 Waverly Road
West Point, MS
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 33.5710384, -88.50018139999997
- County:
- Clay County, Mississippi
- Nearest Towns:
- Columbus Air Force Base, MS (5.6 mi.)
Columbus, MS (6.7 mi.)
West Point, MS (9.0 mi.)
New Hamilton, MS (12.0 mi.)
New Hope, MS (12.3 mi.)
Caledonia, MS (12.7 mi.)
Hamilton, MS (12.8 mi.)
Artesia, MS (13.6 mi.)
Aberdeen, MS (17.7 mi.)
Ethelsville, AL (19.5 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I remember going here when I was young and having an experience with the little girl imprint sitting in a room. And the uneasy feeling there was.
we actually visited the cemetary across the street. We were just taking pictures of the tombstones and when he viewed the pictures, we saw a huge orb with a tail in the picture. It was definitely a spirit.
When I was 8 I lived at Palmer home orphanage in Columbus , my house parents toured the mansion, but I met Greg Snow and we got along great! I spent most of the summer there. I slept in a canopy bed that had to be 4 feet off the ground. Because we had steps to get in it. To use the bathroom you had to pee in a giant mason jar. But if it was the other , you had to walk to the far end of the hall to the bathroom.
This night I walked past the stairs to the next wing hall and I heard her crying , I went to the bathroom and on the way back I could still hear her . When I put my ear to the door and she continued crying, I went to bed, the next morning at breakfast I asked Miss Snow if the little girl was coming down for breakfast? She asked what little girl? I told her what I heard and she asked me to show her witch room.when we went in, you could see where someone small had lain on the bed. She asked me if I did and I told her no. We didn’t talk about it anymore after that. This was in 1976
When I was in Middle School my whole class visited this place. My sister was with us and we took a picture of the mansion. The experience we had was the little girl’s ghost laying on the bed. (The room with the white bed spread) Then we climbed up to the top floor and it got really cold up there so we decided to go back down. I stopped by the same room to take a peep in and the little girl ghost was still laying down. That room was eerily cold as well.
Today we toured the house, and while in the bedroom on the ground floor; the room with the Mallard half tester bed, a door knob on the closet turned left to right and the door pushed outward as if someone was about to push the door open. There was a couple standing next to my girlfriend and I, we all stepped out of the way thinking someone was about to walk through the door. Immediately we were told by Miss Snow (the owners daughter giving the tour) that it was a closet.
In 1980 a friend took me to visit the mansion. On our way out I had an erge to stop at the cementary. When we walked in something compelled me to take the gate! It was a serpent twisting around the post! My friend literally had to pull me back to my car and force me in. Till this day I can’t explain why I wanted that gate so badly that I was willing to pull it out of the earth and put it in my trunk!! If anyone can explain this to me,please post me! Still haunted after all these years!!!!!
Good old Waverly Plantation in my hometown of West Point. I heard of another house supposed to be haunted on Old Waverly Road east bound on the left pass the Old Waverly Golf Course.
I recently had the pleasure of visiting the Plantation, I was very excited after hearing the many tales of the goings on inside. As soon as I lay foot in the grounds of the plantation, I could feel a strong presence watching over me, and heard the low mumbles of a man coming from behind me. later I realised that it was my uncle who had accompanied me on this trip but as soon as I entered the toilets of the place, I heard giggles of the little girl in a cubical and the singing of ring around a rosey. I freaked and ran from the toilet. I was glad I found some paranormal activity as all my other ventures have been failures. #justlikemylife