Nearly 2,000 people died at the Battle of the Alamo. So much death and bloodshed and so much resulting restless spirit activity have led some people to claim that the Alamo is one of the most haunted places in America. Claims of the Alamo being haunted began mere weeks after the legendary battle and persist to this day.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 300 Alamo Plaza
San Antonio, TX 78205
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 29.42571629339679, -98.48614040066377
- County:
- Bexar County, Texas
- Nearest Towns:
- San Antonio, TX (0.5 mi.)
Olmos Park, TX (3.7 mi.)
Terrell Hills, TX (4.0 mi.)
Alamo Heights, TX (4.3 mi.)
Balcones Heights, TX (5.8 mi.)
Kirby, TX (6.6 mi.)
Castle Hills, TX (7.0 mi.)
Lackland Air Force Base, TX (8.4 mi.)
China Grove, TX (8.6 mi.)
Windcrest, TX (8.9 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
far fewer than 2000 people died at the Alamo. 189 Texans, all dead, total casualties for the Mexicans was 600 dead and wounded. Allowing the usual ration for theperiod of 1 dead for every 2-3 wounded you’re looking at best 400 dead. When the legend stars at such a weak point it discredits the text. The battle has become so mythic it is sometimes hard to seperate fact from fiction.
some myths were that mexican soldiers guarding the site after the battle reported seeing the spirits of dead texans risingo ut of the ground with flaming brands/swords until it was all but impossible to get sentries posted.These have been reported in later years by modern observers.
While visiting this summer I couldn’t help but notice the thick humid air in the building although it was cold and there is ac there is definitely lingering entities in that building. You can feel
an energy that’s hard to describe the spirits know they’re dead they just seem to linger. The Texas rangers are said to know more about the activity they guard the building at night.
Hi Lindsey, Perhaps it was a soldier of the presences you felt!
And, Perhaps it was Sam Houston , HEARD OF HIM?
he was a commander said to be FRIENDLY!
Only friendly ghost are at the Alamo
Sam Houston was never at the Alamo. He was the Commander in Chief of the army and was hundreds of miles away leading the rest of the Texican army away from Santa Anna and to victory.
The Texican army is a section at the Houston Dynamo. Sam Houston lead the Texan Army to victory at the Battle of Gonzalez.
Larry thats funny. Going to correct you. Sam Houston lead the texian Army to victory at the battle of San Jacinto. Not Gonzalez. Gonzalez was a massacre with Fannin.
Fannin was massacred at Goliad. The battle he lost was The Battle of Coleto Creek.
Im from San Antonio, and one day my aunt took my brother and I downtown to see the alamo. I was probably about 12 yrs, It was dark outside already. As we were standing there, I took a quick glance at the top of the alamo, and i saw two guys run behind the center with rifle guns. It was crazy. I told my aunt and she was just saying I was crazy. The next day we went back to tour the inside this time, in one of the rooms we were walking in they were showing a video clip. We went in and we all sat down, Then my aunt tapped me and said did you see tht picture??! when i looked there was a picture of the alamo and two soldiers standing at each corner on top of the alamo with rifle guns. It was pretty cool.
I have many unexplained images I will gladly share, the one I
Enclosed is just one of many that I took in 3 occasions there, I will happily share the stories that come with them
Can you share your story….
all do is just pray go to church nothing will not happen to you. jesus died for our sins
Living in San Antonio it’s hard to go to the Alamo and pay your respects. Though every time I go, I get this feeling of being watched. I have constantly felt like someone is standing right behind or beware me. It leaves me with that shudder of uneasiness, to where I’m constantly feeling as if I’m seeing things out of the corner of my eyes.
Guys…I’ve been there for many times during childhood, but there weren’t any haunted. Yes, thousand of soldier died in there but nothing became so real.
I lived in San Antonio as a child so this was in the late 80s. I visited the Alamo many times throughout the time I lived there and in those days you could tour more of the grounds with a dosant. We went to the area that is closed off now, what they call the missionary area. I was about 9-10 years old and I was so overcome by my emotions it was weird. I was very aware that something else was with our group. I remember hearing chanting like praying. I really didn’t know what missionary’s did but I heard repeatAtive praying very clearly but no one else did. I went back serval times after hoping to find the source or hear it again because it was almost mesmerizing but never did. Fast forward to my adult hood I’m now a gulf coast resident and went back for a visit hoping to hear it again and knowing now that this was a paranormal experience. I was so excited! Walked all around the sacred grounds that mean so much to me as a native Texan but nothing. Then I entered the gift shop. Well I was with my son on his first trip to see the sites and we were by the toys looking at the books and I felt something hit my foot. I looked down and nothing was there but it felt like it rolled into my foot fast and was very heavy because of the thud it made against my toe. Almost like a lead bullet. I couldn’t find anything anywhere but looked everywhere again the same feeling came over me as when I was a child. Here I was on a Sat in the middle of a room filled with a lot of people and I still felt there was something else there. Unable to shake this feeling we gathered items and went to pay. There was a pretty long line than ran down the length of the isle. People in front and behind. In the center of the isle was a table with more items for sale on and around it including large glass framed pictures of the Alamo and other sites. I was talking to my husband trying to keep my mind busy and not think about what happened when all of a sudden one of the pictures shattered! No one was next to the table the customers in front and behind us where no where close! 3 of the sales staff asked no questions but just began to clean up the debris and walk away with coy grins like they knew something we didn’t. Like this wasn’t the first time it had happened. It was awesome!!! God knows what that place means to us Texans and what it means to me I can’t really put into words. I hope to visit many many more times God willing!
While on a early Valentine’s Day on Feb. 13th, 2016 me and my fiancee recall a very disturbing past life in the Alamo. We have lived in San Antonio TX most of our lives. In the church me and my fiancee were in the long barracks and came across a Mexican soldier outfit. Upon my fiancee seeing it it made him cringe and something told me to get him out of there. Before I proceeded to do so I smelled gunsmoke of that a old rifle. The rifles are all behind glass cases and no one is allowed to smoke in the barracks.
When we were away from the uniform and outside the barracks I asked what’s wrong. He replied that he remembers being one of the mexican soldiers who fought and the uniform angers him and pain. I asked maybe if we can check out the church and we did so but that too was a mistake.
In the church there are vacant rooms you may look but are not allowed to walk personally into them for they are closed off to walk into. While looking around me and my fiancee felt sharp pains of stabbing repeatedly by a unseen force. We both saw a vision of the past. I do warn you it is very sad and traumatic experience.
In one room towards the end of church is where we both died tragically. You see my fiancee remembers being a Mexican soldier who refused to kill or fight those in the Alamo. The reason he remembered his lover a beautiful Tejano woman (who moved to the Alamo to get away from war raged Mexico ) was there. They loved each other dearly in Mexico but was saddened when he told her about becoming a soldier and serving Santa Anna and the war in Mexico. She knew that he was not a fighter but a sincere lover but wouldn’t part take in such a war. Her family too decided it was best to leave before it got worse.
They never saw each other until the final day of the Alamo. But before hand, she didn’t know she was pregnant with the soldiers twins. A girl and boy she later gave birth too. When she remarried in San Antonio it was to a Alamo defender. Her husband assumed the children were his. And she had another baby many years after the birth of the twins. The twins were about seven years old. She was very happy but often wondered what if her other lover didn’t join the army and married her.
About prior to the siege she asked those who were leaving the Alamo to safety to take the children with them. She didn’t go with them because she wanted to stay behind with her husband. While the fighting endured her husband lost his life. On the last day she hid in the back room hoping she will live. It was here that her lover the soldier saw her. He was stunned and told her they will leave and both forsake the battle.
She told him about having his twins and everything else. He was sad he wasn’t able to meet his children the twins.
While speaking more soldiers came and he knew they going to kill her. He turned and killed them instead. But only more came along with the very Santa Anna. He saw what happened and called him a traitor. He made the other soldiers rape her, then stabbed her repeatedly in the stomach with there sharp bladed sabers.
Santa Anna made sure the helpless soldier watch her be tortued and died and begged them to stop. She died and then the general told him you will join her too traitor. Santa Anna shot at him and stabbed his back in fury at the soldier. He then left the soldier to die.
Before he finally died he crawled to her and begged her to forgive him. He loved her so much and never should have joined. He wanted another chance to be with her. Then he passed away.
We both left after that and my fiancee is very terrified to go back. He is very angry with Santa Anna and hope he rots in hell. As for those who don’t know a tejano was a Mexican who was native American and Mexican mixed people who lived in Texas. Some were not but Mexicans who lived in Texas and in Bear county and surrounding areas. I have Alot more questions than answers after that day though. I have taken a picture of the uniform.