Menger Hotel

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This hotel is apparently haunted by dozens of ghosts, including (allegedly) Teddy Roosevelt. As one of the oldest hotels in Texas, it is only natural that many people would have stayed and some would have died within its walls, which might lead to the absolute plethora of ghosts.

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    Geographic Information

    204 Alamo Plaza
    San Antonio, TX 78205
    United States

    Get Directions »
    29.424646, -98.48594500000002
    Bexar County, Texas
    Nearest Towns:
    San Antonio, TX (0.5 mi.)
    Olmos Park, TX (3.7 mi.)
    Terrell Hills, TX (4.1 mi.)
    Alamo Heights, TX (4.3 mi.)
    Balcones Heights, TX (5.9 mi.)
    Kirby, TX (6.6 mi.)
    Castle Hills, TX (7.1 mi.)
    Lackland Air Force Base, TX (8.4 mi.)
    China Grove, TX (8.6 mi.)
    Windcrest, TX (8.9 mi.)
    Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors


    Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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    Comments (9)

    1. I stayed here about nine years ago. I was there with my husband staying in what I believe was the “center room” with a balcony on the 3rd floor. Our friends were staying in the room to the right of us as you face the building.

      I was sleeping on the interior side of the room on my left side facing the bathroom and away from my husband. In the middle of the night, something shook my shoulder as if trying to wake me up. I brushed it off as being a dream. In a few minutes, I felt it again. Agitated, I turned over and partially sat up in bed to tell my husband to “STOP”. He was sound asleep facing the opposite direction.

      First of all, this was not the first time for something like this to happen to me but secondly, my husband sleeps VERY SOUNDLY. There is absolutely no way that he was pulling a prank on me because he was “fully asleep”!

      It WAS a female, but who, I do not know.

    2. I am very sensitive to those on the other side. This does happen to me occasionally if I am open to it. There is NO DOUBT it was real. The next morning, I had a little bit of a hard time in the room by myself!

    3. I stayed here about a couple of years ago.. And one night as me and my now ex-husband were headed downstairs we had saw a ghost he was a tall gentleman, he had a black trench coat a cowboy hat along with a full set beard… He had asked us if we were okay and how we are doing.. And then he turned to his left and walked right through the door without even opening it…

    4. We had an experience here about 12 yrs ago. A few things happened. First we were taking pictures. Wish I could find it, but in one picture of my mom and me there was a black mass on the wall. In the same place just a couple secs later it is not there on the next picture. Very strange. That was the 2nd thing that happened. Then we went to the Riverwalk b4 going to supper. When we got to the room we couldn’t get into the room. I went down to tell them we needed a new key to get in our room he told me we were not in that room, but the room two doors down. Told him NO you’re wrong. All of our stuff is in that room. He had given me a key to the other room and none of our stuff was in there. We changed rooms after that to the room two doors down. Then we had a knock on the door around 10:00 pm. An elderly lady with white hair wearing an old style black and white maids dress asked if we needed more towels. I said no and immediately called the front desk asking why someone was coming up there so late. I described the lady to him and he said there was no one like that working there. Very odd! Went down to the bar after all that and told the bar tender what happened and then he told us other stories. It was intense for sure. My friend was really freaked out by it.

    5. We took a panoramic picture of the old lobby. There’s a blob looking down at us that wasn’t there before. I swear it looks like a young Teddy Roosevelt. On the right side above the light fixture.

    6. I stayed in the King Ranch suite in 2019. It was named after a wealthy cattle baron who frequented the hotel when in San Antonio on business. At around 2am I was awakened choking with a burning sensation in my throat, being suffocated by acid reflux and unable to breathe for a good 15 seconds. I found out later that Richard King had died at the Menger in April of 1885, in his suite, in his bed, of stomach cancer no less, and that the bed they still have for guests in the room is the very same bed he died in. I really do think his ghost tried to kill me.

    7. Priscilla Brett  |  

      During a recent stay I filmed a ghost on an adjacent balcony. I took a short video in the smoking area courtyard downstairs, and we saw 4 orbs there. Our last night there, a lady we met in the bar took a picture of the bar. In the mirror behind the bar was a women dressed in period clothing similar to what a motel maid from the early 1900s would have worn. Not to mention a half dozen unexplained noises we heard throughout a 2 day stay…… we will defininetly be back

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