Employees at the museum say they have heard slamming doors, old-fashioned music, and happily chatting voices, and they even have seen the apparition of a man in a 1940s hat. Among the 40 old planes here is said to be least one haunted one: A yellow crop duster is said to be haunted by a pilot who died of a crash in it.
If you've had a paranormal experience here, or have any additional information about this location, please let us know!
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 3350 S. George Washington Blvd.
Wichita, KS
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 37.6319159, -97.27367700000002
- County:
- Sedgwick County, Kansas
- Nearest Towns:
- Eastborough, KS (3.9 mi.)
Wichita, KS (5.4 mi.)
Derby, KS (6.0 mi.)
Haysville, KS (6.3 mi.)
Bellaire, KS (9.0 mi.)
Rose Hill, KS (9.1 mi.)
Andover, KS (9.4 mi.)
Mulvane, KS (11.0 mi.)
Kechi, KS (11.3 mi.)
Park City, KS (11.9 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:
- http://www.kansasaviationmuseum.org/

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Yes I deffinatly experienced paranormal activity at the museum ! I worked there between September and October of 2014 and I always felt like I was being watched or followed . mostly on the main floor in the area where they have the crop duster and several other planes. Also mostly in the storage area hall and rooms between the stairs and the archives room bottom floor. When I walked down the hall the lights would go dim or really bright or off . there is a lot of activity in that area and it also makes me feel weak or light headed to go in there. I never even thought about the museum being haunted until I experienced the activity there
I had several unexplained experiences while in Wichita. Too many to be coincidental. Walked directly to a room that housed E. Matty Laird’s old toolbox, thought to be lost for decades. Opened a file cabinet, that was one of many, that held a picture of my late a Uncle (former Boeing test pilot) on the very top. Took a picture of my late Uncles house on Douglas Ave, and the image of a male figure was standing in the window. Nobody was home! Walked directly to my Uncles Headstone at the cemetery, without knowing where it was. The events go on and on!
I took a class at WSU, ‘The History of Kansas’ a couple of years ago and at our final class we had the curator of the museum as a guest speaker. He shared several experiences he had with paranormal activity at the museum and even had pictures but said there were logical explanations for all of them. I asked if he believed in ghosts and he said no. I have experienced such activities from my childhood and firmly believe in ghosts and paranormal activities. I have yet to visit this museum but it is on my list. Hopefully the curator can take me on a tour some dark night.
Ngl, when I went here I was petrified and has several paranormal experiences. Unlike Larry above, I am a very credible person.
I work for the government.