Patrons have heard the ghostly laughter of a child who lived at the historic hotel when it was a blind school. Others have reported hearing footsteps on the upper floor of the building when no one is around.
(Submitted by Callum Swift)
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 1312 Coteau Street
Gary, SD
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 44.7958759, -96.45613070000002
- County:
- Deuel County, South Dakota
- Nearest Towns:
- Gary, SD (0.2 mi.)
Canby, MN (10.7 mi.)
Clear Lake, SD (11.6 mi.)
Altamont, SD (11.8 mi.)
Brandt, SD (12.3 mi.)
Marietta, MN (14.8 mi.)
Revillo, SD (16.3 mi.)
Astoria, SD (17.0 mi.)
Toronto, SD (17.9 mi.)
Porter, MN (18.0 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I don’t have a new location, but have stayed at the Herrick Hotel when it was a B & B called Clementine’s. That was 20 some years ago.
I’ve looked and looked for more information about the place and have nearly everyone I’ve asked about it has no recollection of it once being a B & B. We definitely heard noises while staying there and while the hostess told us there was a family with young children who would be leaving very early in the morning, we ascertained the next day that we were the only ones staying there. We figured it out when we realized that when we arrived, the hostess’ car was the only one parked on the property and went we came back in the wee morning hours from the dance we attended, her car and ours were the only ones on the property.
We then read the newspapers that were in the room and I was immediately creeped out. My husband on the other hand kept pranking me. Since he surprised me with a overnight stay there for our wedding anniversary, I forgave him for terrorizing me most of the morning 🙂
What were the newspapers?
The first time i ever visited the Herrick hotel (2017 or 2018) I heard footsteps and saw a shadow walk into a room. Assuming it was somebody in the building with me, I went into the room and no one at all was in there. I now work here, and let me tell you, I hear voices all of the time. It sounds like children. Sometimes it’s footsteps, running noises. Even when no one else is in the building with me. And not just in the hotel. Mainly the tunnels and the top floor above the restaurant, which is essentially an extension of the hotel, with many rooms to stay in. Sometimes while I work i’ll sing and hum and hear laughter and running in return. Sometimes my hair gets yanked, and sometimes objects that I just set down will be knocked from the surface I set it on. I like to think that it’s really children, and that they really just like to play with me. I’ve spoken to the new owners and they say they’ve also heard voices and laughter. I truly believe that the entire property, not just the hotel, still has some of the children who lived there in it.