The Hartford Conservatory is rumored to be haunted. Witnesses have described a door being slammed, a light that won’t stay turned off, classical music being played on a piano, and an apparition of a woman in a Victorian dress. The site was featured on an episode of TV’s Ghost Hunters.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 834 Asylum Ave
Hartford, CT 06105
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 41.77002179999999, -72.6923377
- County:
- Hartford County, Connecticut
- Nearest Towns:
- Hartford, CT (0.6 mi.)
West Hartford, CT (2.6 mi.)
Blue Hills, CT (3.0 mi.)
East Hartford, CT (4.2 mi.)
Wethersfield, CT (4.4 mi.)
South Windsor, CT (5.2 mi.)
Newington, CT (5.2 mi.)
Glastonbury, CT (5.9 mi.)
Windsor, CT (6.2 mi.)
Glastonbury Center, CT (6.8 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I attended the Hartford Conservatory. I was also a security Guard at The school.I was on the overnight shift, and I would hear Classical Piano being played in the upper levels of the school. The place is definitely haunted because no one else would be in the building
Can you enter the property
I went to school here and the place is most definitely haunted. I was in the music lab, getting ready to burn a CD of the music I had made. I was in the building allll by myself on a Saturday. The CD was on the desk while I was bouncing down the songs, and all of a sudden it flew off the desk. Like someone threw it like a frisbee. I freaked out and left. There were always weird vibes in the building. I’ve heard talking and water running when no one was there, footsteps, and the piano others report. I’m surprised they didn’t catch anything, but those shows are fake IMO. I still dream about being in the building all the time. The school was also a fraudulent scam so that probably contributed to the weird ass vibes.