Said to be the oldest saloon in Florida, the establishment is home to a tree that grows through the middle of the chamber. It is said to be the tree from which executions were carried out; 75 unfortunate folks were said to have been hanged from it. The apparition of one of them, a woman in a bloody blue nightgown, has been seen at the saloon. The pool room, always cooler than anywhere else in the place, is said to be haunted. Locals will tell you the building served as an icehouse and morgue in pre-electricity days, and folks who didn’t arrive alive at the port of Key West were buried — you guessed it — right where the pool room stands today. Another point of interest are two tombstones inside the bar. One reads “Elvira, daughter of Joseph and Susannah Edmunds died Dec. 21, 1822 Age: 19 years 8 months and 21 days.” The other is the tombstone of Reba Sawyer, said to have had a longtime affair with a married man. They would meet in secret at the bar, but years after Reba’s death, her husband discovered the details of the secret affair. He was mad enough to pluck Reba’s tombstone from the cemetery and deposit it angrily on the sidewalk in front of the bar. Captain Tony brought it inside where it rests in peace. The woman’s restroom is also said to be haunted, and on a lighter note, a fish is said to bring good luck. Throw a quarter into the mouth of the huge grouper above the sign outside, and it is said good luck will follow you until you leave the island.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 428 Greene St
Key West, FL
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 24.5587602, -81.80543390000003
- County:
- Monroe County, Florida
- Nearest Towns:
- Key West, FL (1.5 mi.)
Stock Island, FL (4.3 mi.)
Big Coppitt Key, FL (9.5 mi.)
Cudjoe Key, FL (20.8 mi.)
Big Pine Key, FL (29.4 mi.)
Marathon, FL (46.2 mi.)
Key Colony Beach, FL (50.7 mi.)
Duck Key, FL (58.0 mi.)
Layton, FL (64.9 mi.)
Contact Information
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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
My personal experience I had here started our Paranormal team. The Haunted Apparition Hunters. While me and my wife visited here, she took a photo of me touching the tree. Within an hour, I had second degree burns on both my hands. The next day, I visited my doctor who could not explain it. He referred me to a dermatologist. After looking at both of my hands, She asked me if I been involved in any paranormal locations. I FREAKED! Never have met this doctor before, I said yes, we were at Captian Tonys the night before, She said it that explains the burns on my hands. To this day, I still have the scars.