Cameron Park is a busy place for the paranormal – check out nearby “Lover’s Leap” and “Jacob’s Ladder” for examples. But by far the most well-known story is that of the Witch’s Castle, which is the popular name for a set of ruins found deep within the park. There are claims that there are weird smells, sounds of screaming and other strange phenomenon in the area.
The site was popularized by “Weird US” but many locals claim they got the location wrong. Debate continues, but the one location many people seem to agree on for the Witch’s Castle is just north of the intersection of Adeline Drive and Merriwood Lane. There is a rusty gate at the corner there – if you go past the gate somewhere up and to the right, not too far, are supposedly the remains of the building.
For what its worth, park officials are familiar with the story but claim it is just that – a story.
If you've had a paranormal experience here, or have any additional information about this location, please let us know!
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Adline Dr and Merriwood Lane
Waco, TX
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 31.5815915, -97.1633124
- County:
- McLennan County, Texas
- Nearest Towns:
- Waco, TX (2.4 mi.)
Bellmead, TX (3.3 mi.)
Beverly, TX (4.1 mi.)
Beverly Hills, TX (4.2 mi.)
Lacy-Lakeview, TX (4.9 mi.)
Northcrest, TX (5.3 mi.)
Woodway, TX (5.8 mi.)
Robinson, TX (8.4 mi.)
Hewitt, TX (8.5 mi.)
Gholson, TX (8.8 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Hi I’m thomas just wanted to ask permission for my wife and I to pass by witches castle and possibly directions who do I contact?
You can actually park and walk up to the witches castle. Just Google Cameron park witches castle. It should give you directions
The witches castle is on private property. My parent’s property to be exact.
Due to it being on private property is it an issue to go to Witches Castle? I’m a photographer and I’m making a documentary on haunted buildings in Texas. I’d really like to take some pictures of this particular location.
Viki, are you on Facebook? I’d like to talk to you about the witches castle
Hi. Names Jonathan, I am a paranormal investigator and would like to see if me and my team can come in an investigate the witches castle this weekend.
its actually been torn down because of construction
When I was a teenager, my friends and I drove up there, and thru the trees, you could hear something on top of the car. I believe it’s real
I went today and we entered and theres two or three crumbling brick walls and there is grafitti on one and my sister touched and we were walking back to the car and I stopped and a heard a woman screaming!
The McLennan County Paranormal Investigators just did an investigation on the area and it will be on news channel 10 very soon. They had several encounters and EVP readings. You should check it out.
Well boys and girls, I do know a lot about the Wiches Castle because you see, I own the property. Most people mistakenly think it is part of Cameron Park, which it is not. It does border and adjoin Cameron Park which is to the North and North East of my property. My husband and I purchased it and the surrounding acreage in 1995, approximately 27.61 acres total. The iron gate you see in the above picture is the entrance to our property. It has been knocked down and been replaced and repaired many times since we have owned the property. Just inside the gate, about 125 feet and to your right you will see the ruins of what, I assume, was a rock wall and gate entering the road/trail to the Witches Castle. It is now of course in ruins. If you follow that trail you will come upon what appears to be stone stairs up to a flat area. There are still remnates of those stairs. My husband (who, unfortunately, passed away in Feb. 2011) has chased off many, many people who thought the property was part of Cameron Park. We have at times found wierd symbols and other creepy things on the site of the Witches Castle. I still own the property.
Hello I just started a paranormal investigation group and am doing well at proving the paranormal exist. I read that virginiausername owns it and I would like to see it you can reach me at tylerriddle13@Yahoo. Com
Hi Virginia
We are the ones that Channel 10 took with them to do a story for Halloween. We would like to ask your permission to go back and do a more in-depth investigation there if possible. You can contact me @ (254) 749-5839
Hi. May I have your permission to acsses your property for one night. Paranormal investigation has always been on my bucket list.I guess you could say…. will not tamper or destruct property. Thanks
My name is Travis, my wife and I are mutually interested in visiting your property and respecting it as well. Just want to visit the witches castle and it’s paranormal historic value.
Hello my name is Daniel and i will be taking a trip to TX in april for my Birthday and would love to see witches castle maybe ask some questions about it if you have the time i guess what i am asking is could i have permission to go on your property and see witches castle if not i understand just my girlfriend told me about it cause she is from there we don’t aim to do any damage to the property just take some pictures and look around if that okay you may email me at thank you so much
Is it close to Lyndsey hollow
Hello, I wanted to see if I could get permission from the owner of the property (Virginia) if I’m not mistaken. Me and my husband just started our YouTube channel and wanted to see if we could possibly get to record and do some evp sessions. Would love to get to check this out . If you could please reach out to me
Sooooo can I go?
I am a spiritual medium and I actually have spoken with the spirit of the witch a lot of claims made against her were not true they were rumors. What few people know is at the very edge of the witches castle property line is woods leading back to 19th street well just a few “blocks” away from her home was an orphanage and some of the kids in that orphanage are responsible for what happened to her. It is a very active place she loves visitors that are respectful she really enjoy when people smoke cigarettes in the boundary of her home just be polite do not throw the butts on her floor that is just rude. There are still several stacks of stone that were part of the home and her house was really huge back in its prime there are no rules against going to the castle just be safe as it is in ruins and dangerous, and above all be respectful
Hi could you contact me at
Sadto say there are people who claim things that are to complex for them to understand but during you talk with”the witch”did she tell you her name or anything to back up your claims so those the don’t believe can have some proof
I feel so sorry for the woman that lived there once upon a time.
Nobody actually has any history about the circulating stories. Some people said she used to eat children or poison them, others say that she did ritualistic sacrifices but there’s no evidence of this in archives
My friends and I went last night. I had a bad feeling in my stomach when we were driving up to the castle, and when my friends and I got past the gate, the closer we got to the ruins, the heavier my feet felt and the harder it became to walk. We heard footsteps in the gravel of the ruins and in the bushes next to them, then we saw a figure in the dark and booked it back to our cars and sped away. Most terrifying paranormal experience of my life
You can only walk not drive to it. I’ve lived in Waco my whole life. This poor old lady lost her son in a motorcycle accident in the park. She mourned him til her death. Just a normal person that never left her home. So folks started saying she was a Witch. I believe her spirit is still there. But evil she was not.
The entrance now has like a 10ft (guessing here, I am kinda short) wire fence all around to where you can not go in, me and my sons parked at lovers leap and went around the back way, behind the baseball fields. GPS took us straight there. there’s a little bridge u pass and then a little further a tree that has “T U R N B A C K” written in black spray paint. , we made it to where the dirt turns white and a bit further lots of bricks. we could hear banging, at that point my son was too scared and we couldn’t keep going we turned back and headed to the car. We were so close…I think.
I am a abandoned location vlogger and I was interested in checking out this particular location. Does anyone know if its still standing? I heard it was torn down last year, can anyone confirm that?
Back in 1984-85, I was i high school, and I hung around a few wild friends. One night I think there were five of us who went to the castle, which was still crumbing but had walls and a door arch in old stone but most of it was deteriorated. My crazy friends said they had to run back to the car to get some beer and they thought it would be funny to take off and leave me and another friend there. I was terrified and it was about fifteen minutes before my friends came back. I am still here to tell about it, but I so scared and the creepiest and weirdest feeling there ever!
Back in 1984-85, I was i high school, and I hung around a few wild friends. One night I think there were five of us who went to the castle, which was still crumbing but had walls and a door arch in old stone but most of it was deteriorated. My crazy friends said they had to run back to the car to get some beer and they thought it would be funny to take off and leave me and another friend there. I was terrified and it was about fifteen minutes before my friends came back. I am still here to tell about it, but I so scared and the creepiest and weirdest feeling there ever!