Bonaventure Cemetery

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The cemetery property dates back to a private landowner in the mid-1800s, but was purchased by the city in 1907. It is the spot where naturalist and preservationist John Muir spent several nights in 1867, as he wrote about in his book “A Thousand-Mile Walk to the Gulf,” in the chapter “Camping in the Tombs.”

The cemetery is said to be the home of many haunts, including a pack of ghost dogs and the spirit of a little girl, Gracie Watkins. Gracie is buried here, and folks who visit often pay their respects by placing money, flowers or trinkets in the hands of her life-size statue. It is said that the statue cries tears of blood if any of her gifts are removed from her hands. (Statue can be found in Section E, Lot 99 – map below pinpoints the spot.)

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Geographic Information

330 Bonaventure Road
Savannah, GA
United States

Get Directions »
32.04292796987375, -81.0450991988182
Chatham County, Georgia
Nearest Towns:
Thunderbolt, GA (1.0 mi.)
Whitemarsh Island, GA (2.0 mi.)
Savannah, GA (4.1 mi.)
Isle of Hope, GA (4.6 mi.)
Wilmington Island, GA (5.1 mi.)
Vernonburg, GA (7.2 mi.)
Skidaway Island, GA (7.8 mi.)
Garden City, GA (8.0 mi.)
Montgomery, GA (8.7 mi.)
Port Wentworth, GA (9.9 mi.)
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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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Comments (3)

  1. I used to go fishing at the north end of the cemetery & on several occasions noticed people standing in distance only to watch them vanish , This happens all the time there . Still a good fishing spot

  2. One time some change out her hand to make a phone call we were kids and she came to life and cried blood we stomped t he gas and got the hell out of there that why I tell u to respect the dead. Cause spirit don’t die they rise out u our body at death

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