Benedictine University

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This university has more than its share of haunts, including a little boy ghost in a blue t-shirt and shorts who wanders around campus, and disappears. Reports say Benedictine Hall was closed because it was so haunted. Its 4th floor was said to be haunted by a clergyman, and in the art wing, some witnesses have heard voices. Rumor has it that an exorcism was performed on the 5th floor after a student became possessed when he and a group of friends used a Ouija board in the cemetery. Jaeger Hall is reported to be haunted by children; some residents have heard their stereos turn on in the middle of the night. In Neuzil Hall, a little boy and girl ghost were captured on film, visible after the photographs were developed. In Ondrak Hall, one room is said to be closed because it was haunted. Also, TVs have been reported to change volume for no apparent reason.

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    Geographic Information

    5700 College Rd
    Lisle, IL 60532
    United States

    Get Directions »
    41.7786157, -88.09500400000002
    DuPage County, Illinois
    Nearest Towns:
    Lisle, IL (1.9 mi.)
    Naperville, IL (2.7 mi.)
    Woodridge, IL (3.2 mi.)
    Downers Grove, IL (4.8 mi.)
    Warrenville, IL (4.9 mi.)
    Bolingbrook, IL (5.7 mi.)
    Wheaton, IL (6.1 mi.)
    Westmont, IL (6.3 mi.)
    Darien, IL (6.5 mi.)
    Winfield, IL (6.7 mi.)
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    Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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    Comments (16)

    1. orbs? that’s it? it’s generally known that orbs are caused by many, many different things….everything from humidity to dust, to bugs in the air, etc. you also must take into consideration the time of year, the air quality (such as pollen, etc), temperature and humidity. keep investigating this place though. anything could happen besides orbs.

    2. I knew a guy who worked overnight security there when Ben Hall was still open. He refused to security sweep4th and 5th floors alone after seeing an old man a few times that disapeared if you followed him.

    3. The facts are incorrect … It was a four girl dorm .. No guy was possessed but 3 of the four girls would sneak to cemetery and use OUIJA ..

    4. One way to challenge/test “orbs” as true phenomena or just simply dust particles reflecting light from camera flashes… is to go back in the evening after it has just rained and take some additional photos. Would be very interesting to see if the orb/dust activity (after a storm) turns out the same, shows an increase, or shows less(?) 😉

    5. Last year my friends were living in Neuzil hall and me and another girl saw a bright light like apparition that seemed to fly through the room pretty fast. We were both freaked out and told the others living there. One of the girls totally didn’t believe us and 2 days later came up to us freaked out because she saw what we had described but in the other room of the dorm.
      I have heard from people around campus that there has been the apparition of a man seen in the Founders Woods apartments.
      This is a weird one, Apparently in the original building, Benedictine Hall, you could hear someone playing the pianos on the top floor. When you go to check there would be no one there. People have rumored that they think the new building coming this fall, Goodwin, will be haunted to the point of Benedictine Hall since it will be in the exact place.

      • I work there now and have not seen anything but people who have worked there longer and some students claim they have seen stuff

    6. Benet Academy: The 4th floor of St. Joseph Hall for many years became the place for story telling among the students and faculty. A long tradition from 1980 to 1992 every Halloween night students from the Marian Society would take a trip to the southwest dorm room on the 4th floor, to visit the place that little Mary died in her sleep after suffering from tuberculosis.

      Visits from other souls that once lived among us in most recent times like our dear friend Mr. Shields would make some kind of appearance with a knock at the door or a sound of his voice in the distance coming from the attic. The whole building became alive and very restless after 9pm

    7. Sometimes I can see figures on the 4th floor of at Joseph’s hall. One of them was a little boy walking around. I always take pictures there of myself and always find orbs in my pictures

    8. I am sitting in room 214 of neuzil hall now for a volleyball camp and we have been googling stuff about how this hall is haunted and we keep hearing knocks on the walls and outer doors and its creppy

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    Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.